2.0 Introduction

2.1 Grammars

2.2 Ambiguity

2.3 Summary

Web References


Example 7

Consider the following grammar for IF-THEN-ELSE statements:

    S -- > IF b THEN S ELSE S

    |IF b THEN S


where b represents a boolean condition and a represents some other statements. Then IF b THEN IF b THEN a ELSE a has two parse trees.

The second parse, with ELSE associated with the closest IF is considered the way this should be parsed.

We can rewrite this grammar to be unambiguous:

    S1 -- > IF b THEN S1 | IF b THEN S2 ELSE S1 | a

    S2 -- > IF b THEN S2 ELSE S2 | a

Then, IF b THEN IF b THEN a ELSE a has only 1 parse