The magically created table
The entry there is state 1. The input looks like:
Since state entry is not blank, the algorithm enters the inner WHILE loop, and GetChar returns a new InputChar, the "1":
The driver continues and computes a new state, the entry at Table[1, digit,] which is also a "1". Thus on encountering a digit, the lexical analyzer stays in state 1. Returning to the condition in the inner WHILE, the algorithm computes that the state is still not blank; this GetChar returns the next character, either a space or, if all spaces have been removed, (See Exercise 2 ) the ";".
There is no entry at Table[1, space] or Table[1,:], so the condition in the inner WHILE fails and the algorithm executes the statements outside the inner WHILE, first performing a retract operation:
Then, the accept operation is performed, moving the current pointer ahead to the lookahead pointer:
The token returned is that associated with state 1, probably a token with class equal to Id, and a value equal to the characters in the identifier or an index into a name table where the identifier is installed (See Exercise 3 )
The lexical analyzer driver now continues with the outer WHILE loop until input is exhausted.