>#CE5A6A> Assignment #5 - Interpreter

Due: Thursday, April 24

15 points

This is the final and most exciting part of your project! This, the Code Generation phase, may be done a number of ways. All of them take as input your AST & Symbol Table:

  1. Write a simulator that will interpret RoBOTL programs, optionally creating a screen maze. In either case, execute the instructions in the program one by one.

  2. Output assembler or pseudo-assembler. Optionally, also output calls to graphics routines (I can show how to do this for the PC) that will create a screen maze.

In either case:

Input: Your AST & Symbol Table

Output 1: (for up to 15 points) A maze with a robot (use some character like a caret for the Robot)

Output 2: (for up to 10 points) A list of commands like:

 	Robot Eve is at 0,0
 	Robot Eve turns left
 	Robot Eve moves 1

Don't try to implement this all at once. Start small. Grading will be: