Optimization: Introduction and Control Flow Analysis


Data flow analysis provides information regarding the definition and use of data items. It provides the following information (among other): (1) paths along which a reference to a data item is not preceded by a definition and (2) detection of redundant or useless code. As the diagram above shows, we approach data flow analysis in two ways. The first, a low-level approach, is from a compiler phase perspective, using the control flow graph intermediate representation developed in Chapter 8. The second, a high-level approach, is to evaluate attributes on the abstract syntax tree.

Example 1 shows some problems which may be exposed by data flow analysis.


In addition to those shown in Example 1, loop invariant variables may be detected, expressions which have already been computed may be detected, etc.

9.1 Data Flow Analysis Methods

We can gather relevant information for data flow analysis in a way similar to the way gossip is propagated: locally available information is initially posted and then propagated over the possible paths in the control graph.

Most data flow problems can be defined by equations. Iterative techniques are used to solve these equations. Example 2 shows a typical problem.

EXAMPLE 2 Typical data flow problem

9.1.1 The Problem

Given a control flow structure, we want to discern which definitions of program quantities can affect which uses within the program.

Data flow problems fall into two classes. First are those which, given a point in the program, ask what can happen before control reaches that point--that is, what (past) definitions can affect computations at that point. We call these forward flow problems.

Second are those which, given a point in the program, ask what can happen after control leaves that point--that is, what (future) uses can be affected by computations at the point. We call these backward flow problems.

Forward flow problems include reaching definitions and available expressions. Backward flow problems include live variable analysis, very busy expressions, and reached uses.

We will examine these one by one.

9.2 Reaching Definitions

Reaching definitions determine for each basic block B and each program variable x what statement of the program could be the last statement defining x along some path from the start node to B.

A statement defines x if it assigns a value to x, for example, an assignment or read of x, or a procedure call passed x (not by value) or a procedure call that can access x.

Formally, we say that a definition, def

reaches a point P in the program if there is some path from the start node to p along which def occurs and, subsequent to def, there are no other definitions of x. Figure 1 shows this pictorially.

9.2.1 Data Flow Equations

For data flow analysis problems, we create and solve a collection of data flow equations. The variables are

for a given block B.

There are two classes of equations:

9.2.2 Transfer Equation for Reaching Definitions

For all forward flow problems, the information which comes out of the block is a function of the information which goes into the block. We write this symbolically as:

For reaching definitions, we define function f in terms of definitions which are generated and killed in the block B. We thus introduce two new variables:Kill(B) and Gen(B).

Definition def1 kills definition def1 and def2 define the same variable:

Block B generates definition def if def is in B and is the last definition of def's variable within B.

The transfer equation is:

Confluence Rule for Reaching Definitions

A definition def reaches the beginning of a block B if and only if it reaches the end of one of block B's predecessors.

9.2.3 The Iterative Method for Solving Data Flow Equations

We will develop an iterative algorithm for reaching definitions. The reader need not despair that there will be a new algorithm for every data flow problem, however. Only minor changes need to be made to the equation to solve the other problems.

We start by assuming that what comes out of a block consists of the definitions generated in them.

We then repeatdly visit the nodes, applying the confluence rules to get new In's and the transfer rules to get new Out's. By pred(B), we mean the immediate predecessors.

The values in the first set of Example 4 are the values computed using the FOR Loop and using the definitions of Gen above. In the third iteration of the WHILE Loop, the values are the same as for the second iteration; thus there are no changes and the final solution is found. The control flow graph is labeled with the final result.

9.2.4 Data Structures for Reaching Definitions

Most of the space for these is devoted to storing the In(B) and Out(B) sets. These sets are a subset of all variable definitions.

We could represent a definition by a pointer to its text, but the In, Out sets may be large.

A better way is to number the definitions and create a table whose ith entry points to the ith definition. The In and Out sets can then be bit vectors such that the ith position is set if the ith definition is in the set.

Other space improvements include limiting the variables to be considered and then we can limit the length of the bit vectors.

For the bit vector operations, union can be implemented by a Boolean or, intersection by and, and set difference by and not.

9.2.5 Application of Reaching Definitions

Not all uses of data flow analysis involve code optimization. We can use reaching definitions to detect possible uses of variables before they have been defined. Detecting (at compile time) statements that use a variable before its definition is a useful debugging aid.

To adapt reaching definitions to solve this:

(i) Introduce a new dummy block D that contains a definition of each variable used in the program.

(ii) Place D before the Start node.

(iii) Compute reaching definitions.

(iv) If any definition in D reaches B where the variable is used, then we have a use before a definition.

In some languages, we should print a warning. In other languages, however, a default initial value may be assumed, and although a warning message could be issued, it would be incorrect not generate the code for the program.

9.3 Available Expressions

Available expressions make use of an expression used in one block which was computed in another block. Thus, at code generation time, code to recompute the expression need not be emitted. Example 5 shows an expression BB*12 which is computed on all paths leading to X3.

In Example 5, the expression BB*12 is available for X3 and need not be computed again for X3 if its value is saved.

9.3.1 Computing Available Expressions

Finding available expressions is similar to finding reaching definitions. Again we use the variables In(B), Out(B). We use the term A op B to mean any expression, even one which has more that one op, as in A + BB * 12.

Transfer Function Rules

For available expressions, the variables Kill(B) and Gen(B) are defined as follows:

that is, X or Y occurs on the left of an assignment statement or in a read statement.

EXAMPLE 6 Gen and Kill sets for a block B

Transfer Equation

We have "rigged" the definition of Gen and Kill for available expressions so that the equation of Out is the same as that for reaching definitions

Confluence Rule

An expression is available at a point only if it is computed on all preceding paths:

We initialize In(start) = even though it may have predecessors.

Solving the Equations

This time we want the largest solution since we don't want to rule out an expression unless we find a path along which it is unavailable. Thus, we will initialize the In and Out sets to make every expression available and then eliminate expressions that are not readily available. Here, we throw things out (via intersection) the way reaching definitions threw things in (via union).

9.3.2 Use of Available Expressions

Available expressions eliminate recomputations. For example, suppose In(B) contains an expression A op B as does B4 (BB * 12) in Example 7, that is, A op B is available at the beginning of the block as is BB * 12 at the beginning of block B4. Suppose, further, that A op B is used in B (before A or B is redefined). Then we can avoid recomputing A op B in the following way:

Example 8 shows this for the program of Example 7 and for the expressions BB * 12 and A + BB * 12.

9.4 Live Variables

Live variables at a program point P are those for which there is a subsequent use before a redefinition.

We compute live variables for a number of reasons. If there is a definition not followed by a use, then we may want to issue a warning message to the programmer.

Even if there is no definition at a program point P, we may want to keep track of what variables are live to know which ones to keep in registers. If the variable is not to be kept in a register, we may want to store it to reuse the register, but if the variable is not live, we do not need to store it; that is, the code generator does not need to emit a store instruction.

Formally, we define a variable to be live at some point in the program if there is some path through the flow graph from that point along which we shall encounter a use of that variable before any redefinition; otherwise, the variable is dead

9.4.1 Equations for Live Variable Analysis

The equations for live variables resemble those for except that the data "flows backwards" from the Out's to the In's rather than from the In's to the Out's. Note that In still refers to the "top" of a block and Out to the "bottom", with "top" referring to the part of a block where there is the head of an arrow, and "bottom" meaning a tail.

Transfer Equation New information transfers from the end to the beginning of a block. We define Gen and Kill, however, as follows:

Confluence Rule The confluence rules for back wards flow are really "divergence rules".

9.4.2 Algorithm for Computing Live Variables

This time, we once again want the smallest solution -- we don't say a variable is live unless we actually find a path along which it is used before being redefined.

Thus, we start by assuming nothing is live on exit from any block. The process stops because we are only adding variables to the sets (and there are a finite number of variables).

9.4.3 Data Structures for Live Variables

The ideas are the same as for reaching definitons. We can identify variables with positions in a bit vector, using a table of pointers (perhaps to the symbol table) to make the association.

9.5 Reached Uses

Reached uses is a similar problem to live variable analysis.

A Use of A is reached from the assignment statement A := if there is some path from the assignment to the use along whitch A is not redefined.

We can detect useless assignments: they are those assignments with no reached uses.

To find the equations for reached uses, note that the last definition of A in a block B reaches what the end of block B reaches, plus subsequent uses of A within B. Prior definitions of A within B reach only their uses within B.

Equations for Reached Uses

The domain is somewhat different here: the set of pairs consisting of a statement S and a variable A appearing on the right of S.

Transfer Equation

Confluence Equation

The algorithm is essentially the same as that for live variables; that is, we assume nothing is reached, and apply the equations. The result is the smallest solution since a use is reached only if we can really find a path to it.

9.6 Very Busy Expressions

An expression A op B is very busy at a point p if along every path from p there is an expression A op B before a redefinition of either A or B.

If an expression is very busy at program point p, it makes sense to compute it there. This is often termed code hoisting and it saves space although it doesn't necessarily save time.

But it is interesting as a fourth type of data flow analysis problem: backwards flow and intersection confluence.

9.6.1 Equations for very Busy Expressions

Transfer Equation

Confluence Equation

Algorithm for Computing Very Busy Expressions

We want to avoid considering X op Y as very busy just because neither X nor Y is redefined. To do this, we introduce a dummy block D such that

and we let D be a successor of all blocks that have the program end as a possible successor.

9.7 High_Level Data Flow Analysis

We can perform data flow analysis on a tree when the tree is known to represent the program flow(e.g., no multiple entries and exits from loops, no GOTO's etc.).

The following live variables analysis is described by Babich and Jazayeri (1978a). They compute dead variables and available expressions. We will discuss dead variables. Exercise 9 asks the reader to write the equations for available expressions and reaching definitions.

A variable is defined as dead at a point in a program if its value will not be used after control leaves that point.

The following (ambiguous) grammar will be used:

The following notation will be used for the tree nodes:

Four Boolean attribute, Kill, Gen, DeadAtBeginning and DeadAtEnd, will be associated with each of these nodes. For simplicity, only one variable will be analyzed. Exercise 7 asks the reader to extend this for more than one variable. The equations will reflect the following:

We will define these first two more precisely below. The algorithm will iterate because none of the methods we have developed so far will work (see Exercise 6).

Since deadness at a point is inherently a property of the portion of the program that comes after that point, we need to have sacnned the portion of the program that that node. Thus, we scan the tree from right to left.

The attributes DeadAtBeginning and DeadAtEnd are defined as follows:

For Assignment, Read, and Write Statements:

For Statement Statement1 Statement2, we note that we want to start with the value of Statement.DeadAtEnd and compute Statement.DeadAtBeginning and that the end of Statement1 is also the beginning of Statement2. Therefore,

and since the end of Statement1 is also the beginning of Statement2,

The beginning of Statement1 is the same point as the beginning of Statement, so:

The equation for IF statements and WHILE statements are similar. The attribute grammar is:

For the WHILE loop the rules for Statement1.DeadAtEnd and Statement.DeadAtBeginning are the same because an exit from the body of a WHILE loop is followed by a branch back to reenter the loop.

It may be necessary to compute the attributes at a node more than once before the correct values are computed. The (recursive) algoritm to compute attribute values for each statement is:

The values for DeadAtEnd and DeadAtBeginning are saved in the tree as they are computed. Thus each tree node contains at least the following information:(1) node type (compound, IF, WHILE, etc.), (2) the values of DeadAtEnd and DeadAtBeginning, (3) assorted pointers to other nodes, describing the position of the node in the tree and (4) values of Used and Kill where needed.

In a pass over the tree, attributes whose values are needed will usually be computed before they are used. In two cases, however, this will not be true. The first case is backward GOTO's since the right to left scan will not have computed the right-hand side of the semantic function. The second case is for WHILE statements since to find DeadAtEnd, we need DeadAtBeginning, which isn't know because Statement1 hasn't been analyzed yet. Because of these two cases, we initialize these attributes to True.

The evaluation algorithm iterates until no attribute value changes.

Example 12 shows a program and the values after two passes over the tree, analyzing the attribute values for the variable A.

EXMAPLE 12 High-level data flow analysis example

Pass 0( Initializing Attributes to True):

Pass 1

Example 12 shows the initialization pass and pass 1 of the evaluation. The reader is asked to perform the remaining passes in Exercise 8.

9.8 Interprocedural Data Flow Analysis

The preceding sections have discussed intraprocedural data flow analysis, that is, data flow analysis within a procedure. Interprocedural data flow analysis discusses the same issues, but with intervening function or procedure calls. this is shown below, where we might ask if expression X + Op Y is available. If function f does not modify either x or y, then it will be available.

One method is to assume a worst case: no expressions will be available after a subprogram call, no variables are live, etc.

To perform a more accurate interprocedural data flow analysis, we need to calculate the call chain, that is, what subprograms are called within a subprogram.

Interprocedural analysis often involves finding aliases. A variable X is an alias of a variable Y if X and Y are different names for the same memory location. Reference parameters are an example of aliasing, as are assigning the value of one pointer to another. Thus, changing one of the variables effectively changes the other.

For languages which require explicit declaration of global variables and reference parameters, it may be reasonable to perform an interprocedural analysis. Reference parameters and globals which are changed in the procedure may be identified via Gen and Kill sets.

Changes to any element of an array are usually recorded as having changed the entire array since it may be impossible to tell at compile time which element will be changes.

9.9 Summary

This chapter discussed data flow problems, at first on the low-level control flow graph and then on an abstract syntax tree representation. Data flow problems can be divided into two types: backwards flow problems and forward flow problems. They can also be partitioned into problems whose confluence rules use union and those which use intersection. The following figure shows the five problems discussed in this chapter in these categories:

We will use data flow analysis in the next chapter when we discuss specific examples and specific optimization categories.

In Chapter 12, we will look at data flow analysis again when we discuss incremental compling.