Compilers: Module 6: Semantic Analysis: Attribute Grammars

 Problems  p. 122 #3,6
           p. 137 #3
 p. 122, #3 
    Translate the statement: WHILE ( 1 < P ) AND ( P < 3 ) DO P := P + Q
    (a) an abstract syntax tree
    (b) quadruples
    (c) triples
    (d) indirect triples
     ********** SOLUTION **********
     (a)  An abstract syntax tree contains only the essential terminal
          symbols of a parse tree.  Thus terminals that do not contribute
          to the syntax (such as parentheses) are left out.
       |                     |
      AND                    :=
       |                     |
       |----------|          |-----|
       |          |          |     |
       <          <          P     +
       |          |                |
       |-----|    |-----|          |-----|
       |     |    |     |          |     |
       1     P    P     3          P     Q
     (b)  A quadruple is a form of pseudocode expressed with four
     Operation | LT operand | RT operand | Address
               |            |            | label_while
         <     |      1     |      P     | label_and
        Goto   |            |            | END_PROC
               |            |            | label_and
         <     |      P     |      3     | label_do
        Goto   |            |            | END_PROC
               |            |            | label_do
         +     |      P     |      Q     | Temp1
         :=    |    Temp1   |            | P
        Goto   |            |            | label_while
     (c)  Triples remove the Address value from the quadruples and
          are executed consecutively (unless a "Go" occurs).  Special
          keyword "IfNT" means "If Not True" and refers to the previous
          line for it's condition.
        (1)  <      1    P
        (2)  IfNT   Go  (8)
        (3)  <      P    3
        (4)  IfNT   Go  (8)
        (5)  +      P    Q
        (6)  :=    (5)   P 
        (7)         Go  (1)
     (d)  The problem with triples is that minor changes can force
          the entire list to be reevaluated as some jumps may be
          non-valid.  With indirect triples, an execution order is
          given so that changes will have minimal impact on the code.
        (1)  <      1    P
        (2)  IfNT   Go  (8)
        (3)  <      P    3
        (4)  IfNT   Go  (8)
        (5)  +      P    Q
        (6)  :=    (5)   P 
        (7)         Go  (1)
        Execution Order: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
        To show how an indirect triple would actually make a
        difference consider if an extra intruction (+  P  Z)
        were to be inserted in the loop
        (1)  <      1    P
        (2)  IfNT   Go  (8)
        (3)  <      P    3
        (4)  IfNT   Go  (8)
        (5)  +      P    Q
        (6)  :=    (5)   P 
        (7)         Go  (1)
        (9)  +      P    Z
        Execution Order: 1 2 3 4 9 5 6 7 8
        Notice the (9) in the execution list.  And none of the
        links need to be updated!  Remember that the order of execution
        is dictated by that list of numbers.
 p. 122, #6 
    Modifed Knuth example (Knuth, 1971a) Consider the following
    attribute grammar:
    Productions                         || Semantics
    0:  Number -- > Sign List            || (1) List.Scale := 0
                                        || (2) Number.Value :=
                                        ||      IF Sign.Neg THEN -List.Value
                                        ||      ELSE List.Value
    1:  Sign -- > +                      || (1) Sign.Neg := False
    2:  Sign -- > -                      || (1) Sign.Neg := True
    3:  List -- > BinaryDigit            || (1) BinaryDigit.Scale = List.Scale
                                        || (2) List.Value := BinaryDigit.Value
    4:  List(0) -- > List(1) BinaryDigit || (1) List(1).Scale = 
                                        ||         List(0).Scale + 1
                                        || (2) BinaryDigit.Scale = List.Scale
                                        || (3) List(0).Value := List(1).Value
                                        ||         + BinaryDigit.Value
    5:  BinaryDigit -- > 0               || (1) BinaryDigit.Value = 0
    6:  BinaryDigit -- > 1               || (1) BinaryDigit.Value =
                                        ||         2^(BinaryDigit.Scale)
    (a) Identify the attributes and classify the as inherited,
        synthesized or intrinsic.
    (b) Parse and evaluate the attributes for the string: -1 0 1
    (c) What do these attributes do?
    ********** SOLUTION **********
    (a) An attribute is 
            Inherited if the value of the attribute of the right 
                      hand side of the production is set by the
                      attrbute from the left hand side of the
                      production (see production 3)
            Synthesized is just the opposite of inherited: if
                      the attributes of the left hand side 
                      production is set by the attributes of the
                      right hand side.
            Intrinsic if a terminal constant is assigned to the
        Attribute          | Type
        List.Scale         | inherited
        Number.Value       | synthesized
        Sign.Neg           | intrinsic
        BinaryDigit.Scale  | inherited
        BinaryDigit.Value  | inherited (but sometimes intrinsic)
        List.Value         | synthesized
        The reason for the discrepancy in the table above for the
        BinaryDigit.Value is that attributes have a type that is
        dependent on the current production.  Usually all
        attributes have the same type no matter what production
        they occur in.  As shown above, BinaryDigit.Value is an
        exception: inherited in production 6 and intrinsic in
        production 5
    (b) Number (scale = 0)
          |    (value = -5)
          |                   |
         Sign (neg = True)   List (scale = 0)
          |                   |   (value = 5)
          |                   |
          |          ---------+--------------------
          -          |                            |
                    List (scale = 1)         BinaryDigit (scale = 0)
                     |   (value = 4)              |      (value = 1)
                     |                            |
                     |                            |
                     |                            1
          |                       |
         List (scale = 2)    BinaryDigit (scale = 1)
          |   (value = 4)         |      (value = 0)
          |                       |
          |                       |
          |                       |
     BinaryDigit (scale = 2)      0
          |      (value = 1)
    (c) converts signed binary digits to decimal equivalents
             -1 0 1 == > -5
 p. 137, #3
     Consider the following declaration:
         A = record
           A1 : array[1..10,0..9] of real;
           A2 : boolean;
     Show a possible symbol table organization.
    ********** SOLUTION **********
    -----------------      ------------------    ------------------
    | Id Descriptor |      |Field Descriptor|    |Field Descriptor|
    |===============|  --- >|================|    |================|
    | String = "A"  |  |   | Next   = ---------- >| Next   = ----- |
    | Type = record |  |   | Value  = --    |    | Value  = --  | |
    | FieldList = ------   |           |    |    |           |  | |
    |               |      ------------|----|    ------------|--|--
    -----------------                  |                     |  |
                                       |                     |  V
          ------------------------------                     |  (NULL)
          |                                                  |
          V                                                  V
    --------------------      ------------------  -----------------
    | Type Descriptor  |      |Index Descriptor|  |Type Descriptor|
    |==================| ---- >|================|  |===============|
    | String = "A1"    | |    | Next   = ----- |  | String = "A2" |
    | Type = Array     | |    | Value  = --  | |  | Type = boolean|
    | IndexType = --------    ------------|--|-|  -----------------
    | ElementType = -- |                  |  |
    -----------------|--                  |  --------------
                     |                    |               |
            ----------                    |               |
            |                             V               V
            V               -----------------   ------------------
    -----------------       |Type Descriptor|   |Index Descriptor|
    |Type Descriptor|       |===============|   |================| 
    |===============|       | Type = Integer|   | Next   = ----------
    | Type = Real   |       | Min  = 1      |   | Value  = ---   |  |
    -----------------       | Max  = 10     |   |            |   |  |
                            -----------------   -------------|----  |
                                                             |      |
                                                             |      V
                                                             |   (NULL)
                                                 |Type Descriptor|
                                                 | Type = Integer|
                                                 | Min  = 0      |
                                                 | Max  = 9      |

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