CS 4514 Computer Networks
WPI, B Term 1998
Craig E. Wills
Written Assignment 1 (20 pts)
Assigned: Tuesday, November 10, 1998
Due: Thursday, November 19, 1998
Tanenbaum, Chapter 1: problems 13, 22
Tanenbaum, Chapter 2: problems 3, 4
Tanenbaum, Chapter 3: problems 6, 11, 14
Tanenbaum, Chapter 4: problems 18, 20
Additional Problem:
Assume all messages take one time unit to transmit. Assume that the
propagation delay on the channel is and that a collision
consumes one contention time period of the channel. Given this
information, draw a time line showing when each message is transmitted.
Show if and when collisions occur. At what time does the last of the five
messages finish transmission? Assume that for generating a ``random'' number,
Station B always generates the smallest possible value, Station C always
generates the largest possible value, and Station A alternates between the
smallest and largest (beginning with the smallest).