See Solutions by Hao Wan.
Consider the following dataset,
adapted from the
Shuttle Landing Control Data Set available at the
The University of
California Irvine (UCI) Machine Learning
Data Repository.
Visit those webpages above to learn more about this dataset.
@relation shuttle-landing-control
@attribute STABILITY {stab, xstab}
@attribute ERROR {LX, MM, SS}
@attribute WIND {head,tail}
@attribute VISIBILITY {yes, no}
@attribute Class {noauto,auto}
( 1) xstab, MM, tail, no, auto
( 2) xstab, LX, head, yes, noauto
( 3) stab, LX, head, no, auto
( 4) xstab, SS, head, no, auto
( 5) stab, SS, head, yes, auto
( 6) xstab, SS, tail, yes, noauto
( 7) stab, MM, head, yes, noauto
( 8) xstab, MM, head, no, auto
( 9) xstab, SS, head, no, auto
(10) xstab, MM, head, yes, noauto
(11) stab, MM, tail, yes, auto
(12) stab, MM, tail, yes, noauto
(13) stab, MM, tail, yes, noauto
(14) stab, LX, head, yes, noauto
(15) stab, SS, head, yes, auto
(16) stab, MM, head, yes, noauto
(17) xstab, MM, tail, no, auto
(18) stab, MM, tail, yes, auto
(19) xstab, SS, tail, no, auto
(20) xstab, SS, head, yes, noauto
(21) xstab, LX, tail, yes, noauto
(22) xstab, LX, tail, yes, noauto
- (20 points) Complete the construction of the full ID3 decision tree
shown below using entropy to rank
the predictive attributes (STABILITY, ERROR, WIND, VISIBILITY)
with respect to the target/classification attribute (Class).
Note that the root of the decision tree (VISIBILITY) is given and you
do NOT need to do the gain or entropy calculations needed to determine that this
attribute should be the root node. However, you need to
show all the steps of the calculations from there on.
Make sure you compute log in base b (for the appropriate b) correctly as
some calculators don't have a log_b primitive for all b's.
Also, state explicitly in your tree what instances exactly belong to each tree
node using the line numbers provided next to each data instance
in the dataset above.
/ \
yes / \ no
/ \
? ?
- (5 points)
Propose approaches to using your decision tree above to classify instances
that contain missing values. Use the following instance to illustrate your
VISIBILITY = yes, STABILITY = stab, ERROR = ?, WIND = head
Study how J4.8 performs post-prunning by reading in detail:
- Project Instructions:
These guidelines contain detailed information about how to structure your
project, and how to prepare your written and oral reports.
- Data Mining Technique(s):
We will run experiment using the following techniques:
- Pre-processing Techniques:
- Feature selection, feature creation, dimensionality reduction,
noise reduction, attribute discretization, ...
- Data Mining Techniques:
- Zero-R
- One-R
- Decision Trees:
- ID3, and
- J4.8. Given that J4.8 is able to handle numeric attributes and
missing values directly, make sure to run
some experiments with no pre-processing
some experiments with pre-processing, and compare your results.
Experiment also with pre- and post-prunning of the J4.8 decision tree
to see if they increase the classification accuracy.
- Advanced Techniques:
- You can consider using advanced techniques to improve the accuracy
of your predictions. For instace, you can try
ensemble methods (see Section 5.6 of your textbook),
ways to deal with inbalanced classification targets
(see Section 5.7 of your textbook), etc.
But, in terms of data mining techniques, this project is restricted to Zero-R,
One-R, and decisions trees.
- Dataset:
We will work with the
KDD Cup 1999 Data Set.
This dataset contains about 5 million data instances.
You should use as much data as you can from this dataset.
You can also focus on the 10% of this dataset contained in
kddcup.data_10_percent.gz (or as much of this 10% dataset as
your computer memory allows).
Note that the target classification attribute
(let's call it attack_type) is nominal. Its values appear in the
first line of
kddcup.names, and it is the last column of
- Challenge:
The objective of this project is to construct a model with the highest
prediction accuracy possible for each of the following two challenges:
- Main Challenge (invest most of your effort on this):
Predicting if there is an attack or not. That is, assuming that
the classification target is boolean (attack or not attack).
- Secondary Challenge (invest less effort on this):
Predicting the type of attack (including "normal").
That is, using all the given values for the classification attribute: