/cs/bin/turnin submit cs2223 hw4 yourfile1 yourfile2 ... yourfilenreplace yourfile1 yourfile2 ... yourfilen with the actual list of files you want to submit. Include a README.txt file providing information on what files are contained in your submission, what each one contains, and how to run your program.
We suggest that you test the submission process AS SOON AS POSSIBLE by creating a text file named JustATest.txt and submitting it using turnin:
/cs/bin/turnin submit cs2223 hw4 JustATest.txtSee Using the turnin Program for more information and help.
The following are some of the text files that we will use to test your program. We will also use other test files not included here.
Your program should implement Heaps and based on them, Priority Queues, satisfying all the specifications below.
Letter Frequency Encoding a 0.002 110 b 0.008 10 c 0.001 1110 d 0.0003 11110 e 0.06 0 ... ... ... z 0.000001 11111111 Average number of bits per letter = 7.3