MT-ThF 2:00 - 2:50 p.m.
FL Auditorium
Your final grade will reflect your own work and achievements
during the course. Any type of cheating will be
penalized in accordance to the
Academic Honesty Policy.
Students are expected to read the material assigned to each
class in advance and to participate in class.
Class participation will be taken into account when deciding
students' final grades.
Several homework assignments will be given.
They will be posted to the course webpage
at the appropriate times during the term.
The homework will be INDIVIDUAL, unless otherwise noted.
You may discuss the material covered by the homework with your classmates
if you wish, but
you must develop and write YOUR OWN homework solutions.
Your solutions must be your own original work.
LATE HOMEWORK POLICY: Unless otherwhise noted, homework is
due at the beginning of class at 2:00 pm. Late homework
received between 2:01 and 4:30 pm of the day it is due
will be accepted with a 30% off penalty.
No homework will be accepted after 4:30 pm the day it is due.
No exceptions.