Second Life Traces

Download Traces

We publish processed trace files in compressed files. Please find them below.

Trace v1.0

First release of network traces collected from 100 Second Life regions. The tar file can be downloaded here. This tar file consists of following files and directories.

Directory contains packet trace file in the following format:

For example,
Directory contains location trace file in the following format:

For example,

Statistics trace file consists of avatar/object density of each region.
Readme file summarizes the trace file format.

Coming Soon

We are collecting and analyzing more traces. We plan to make them public as well.

Modified Second Life Viewer

We have modified the Snowglobe viewer and used it in our testbed to collect network traces. The modified Snowglobe source code is provided here. Notice that the source code is provided as-is; no support is provided by us. Please use it at your own risk.



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