Welcome to the home page for WPI Computer Science course CS3133, Foundations of Computer Science. During the WPI A-14 term, some class materials, assignments, announcements will be available here.

Course Description a summary of the course elements and important information for students


·  Homework -- A-14 Homework assignments and solutions

·  Exams -- A-14 Exams and solutions


·  '00 Homework -- '00 Homework assignments and solutions

·  '00 Exams -- '00 Exams and solutions

·  '02 Homework -- '02 Homework assignments and solutions

·  '02 Exams -- '02 Exams and solutions

·  '05 Homework -- '05 Homework assignments and solutions

·  '05 Exams -- '05 Exams and solutions

·  '07 Homework -- '07 Homework assignments and solutions

·  '07 Exams -- '07 Exams and solutions

·  '08 Homework -- '08 Homework assignments and solutions

·  '08 Exams -- '08 Exams and solutions

·  ’10 Homework -- A-10 Homework assignments and solutions

·  ’10 Exams -- A-10 Exams and solutions

· ’11  Homework -- A-11 Homework assignments and solutions

·  ’11 Exams -- A-11 Exams and solutions

· ’12  Homework -- A-12 Homework assignments and solutions

·  ’12 Exams -- A-12 Exams and solutions

·  '13 Homework -- A-13 Homework assignments and solutions

·  '13 Exams -- A-13 Exams and solutions



The entire course supports the following two outcomes identifed for the CS undergraduate program as a whole. :
All students will demonstrate an understanding of the foundations of computer Science.
All students will demonstrate an understanding of the mathematical foundations of computer science.


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