Supplementary information for the TRANSBIG2006AFFY series ---------------------------------------------------------- This validation series use a subset of patients from experiment E-TABM-77 in ArrayExpress Repository transbig2006affy_demo.txt -------------------------- Demographics file containing the clinical information for 198 untreated patients of the TRANSBIG validation study. The clinical information are the following: samplename: unique id for the patient id: original id for the patients (id given by the institution, useful to look for intersection between multiple datasets) hospital Center (the combination of subject_id and hospital uniquely identifies the patient) age Age size Diameter of tumor (in mm) Surgery_type 0 = breast conserving therapy, 1 = mastectomy Histtype Histopathological tumor type 1=IDC, invasive ductal carcinoma 2=ILC, invasive lobular carcinoma 3=IDC/ILC 4=mucinous 5=metaplastic 6=medular 7=tubular/lobular Angioinv Angioinvasion (lymphvascular invasion) 1 = - 2 = +/- 3 = + Lymp_infil Lymphocytic infiltrate 1 = - 2 = +/- 3 = + grade Histopathological grading 1=well differentiated 2=intermediate 3=poorly differentiated er Estrogen receptors 0 = negative 1 = positive t.tdm Time to distant metastasis (days) e.tdm indicator for time to distant metastasis 1 = event 0 = censoring t.rfs Disease-free survival (days) e.rfs indicator for disease-free survival 1 = event 0 = censoring t.os Overall survival (days) e.os indicator for overall survival 0 = event 1 = censoring t.dmfs Distant metastasis-free survival (days) e.dmfs indicator for distant metastasis-free survival 1 = event 0 = censoring risksg Clinical risk group according to St Gallen criteria Good = low risk Poor = high risk NPI NPI score risknpi Clinical risk group according to NPI criteria Good = low risk (NPI score <= 3.3) Poor = high risk (NPI score > 3.3) AOL_os_10y 10-year overall survival probability predicted by Adjuvant online risk_AOL Clinical risk group according to Adjuvant online Good = low risk (AOL_os_10y>=0.88 for ER+ patients and AOL_os_10y>=0.92 for ER- patients) Poor = high risk (AOL_os_10y<0.88 for ER+ patients and AOL_os_10y<0.92 for ER- patients) veridex_risk Clinical risk group according to Veridex signature Good = low risk (good prognosis) Poor = high risk (poor prognosis) transbig2006affy.RData ------------------------ R workspace containing the following objrcts: data: matrix of gene expressions with the 198 untreated patients in rows from the TRANSBIG validation study and the affy probesets in columns (22283). The probesets are all the probsets from the chip hgu133a MAS5 normalization was performed with a target value of 600. demo: matrix with clinical information concerning the untreated patients (198). annot: annotations of all the probesets (22283).