CS/IMGD 4100 (B 16)

Homework Assignment #1

Hello West World

Due by Web Turn-In: 11:59pm, Weds, October 26

(See general homework instructions for turn-in details.)

The purpose of this assignment is to get you up to speed as quickly as possible with the software tools that you will need for the homework assignments and to shake down the homework submission process:

Source Control (Optional)

Using a source control system, such Git or SVN, which is a necessity for team software development, is a good idea even for individual programming projects, because it will help you keep track of what changes you have made to the original code base, systematically explore alternative design decisions (helpful for tuning your tournament entries!), and provide secure backup and access from any computer. We therefore strongly recommend that, as part of getting yourself set up for the rest of the term, you take the time now to put the entire source tree in the zip file above under source control.

However, please do not put your code in a public repository, such as a default free GitHub repository, as this will make it too tempting for other students in the course (now or later) to violate the academic honesty rules. Both GitHub and BitBucket offer free unlimited PRIVATE Git repositories for students (see preceding links), as well as convenient desktop applications. Visual Studio 2015 has builtin Git integration (see the Team Explorer window).


Please post any questions to the myWPI forum for the course.