IMGD 4000 (D 10)
Individual Homework Assignment #4
Shady Chess
Due by Web Turn-In: Midnight, Sunday, April 4
(See general homework instructions for turn-in details.)
The goal of this homework is to add a simple GLSL shader program to your chess game.
Technical Requirements
- This homework is worth a total of 3 points.
- For 2 points credit, add the provided "x-ray effect"
vertex shader and fragment shader to the board and all the pieces in your chess game.
- See lecture notes for jME primitives to use.
- Add shader to root node to affect all graphical objects in the scene.
- For an additional 1 point, add the x-ray effect to only the black pieces (not the board) and find some (any) other simple GLSL shader on the web and add it to the white pieces.
- Due to the very small size of the code, there will not be the usual 20% for software engineering. However, make sure you properly include and load your shader programs and follow the instructions to check your jar files before submission. Non-working jar files will not be graded!
Please post any questions to the myWPI discussion board for the course.