TASK-BASED IUI PROJECT PROPOSAL *** BRING HARDCOPY TO CLASS ON MON, FEB 9 *** STUDENT NAME: DATE: PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT ABSTRACT: Briefly describe what your intelligent user interface system will do, highlighting its value to the user. DOMAIN DESCRIPTION: In words, describe the object types, and some examples of properties and relationships between them, which characterize the state of the world. For this proposal, start with 4 or 5 object types. Your final model may eventually contain 10 or more object types, formalized in CEA-2018. PRIMITIVE ACTION TYPES: In words, describe the primitive action types which can change the state of the domain. Identify some of the inputs and outputs of each action type. For this proposal, start with 4 or 5 object types. Your final model may eventually contain 10 or more primitive action types, formalized in CEA-2018. GOAL TYPES: In words, describe some high-level, mid-level and low-level goal types in the task model. For this proposal, start with 4 or 5 goal types and include some rough sketches (hand-drawn is fine) of decomposition trees, similar to those we did in the class exercise on task modeling (PBJ sandwich). Your final model may eventually contain 10 or more goal types, formalized in CEA-2018. DOMAIN SIMULATION: Briefly describe the features and functions of your domain simulation (which may be a connection to another program or the real world). USER INTERFACE: Briefly describe, using words and/or sketch, what the system will look like to the user, i.e., how the user will interact with the system instead of using the command loop provided. Note that everyone will be building a simple speech interface to the command loop later in the semester. You may plan on incorporating this into your final design, or not.