Next: Application - Car Statistics
Up: XmdvTool
Previous: Data Driven Brushing
- Load a data file from Xmdv/data
- Examine file from each view
- Change size/position of brush directly in Scatterplot or Parallel
Coordinates view
- Test data-driven brush formation by holding Shift key and mouse button 1
while dragging the cursor over some points - release mouse button to form
- Open Brush Control panel
- Test global resize commands (+- 10%, half, whole)
- Open Glyph and Dimensional Stacking brush tools and test their operation
- Use Color Requester to change some of default color settings
- Examine sample data files to understand structure
- Try importing your own N-D data into XmdvTool
- Try creating and modifying a New brush set for Highlight
- Test other brush modes (Mask, Values, Average)
- Create a Brush Expression using 2 brushes and logical connectors
Matthew Ward
Fri Jul 18 13:17:40 EDT 1997