Next: Structure and Representation of
Up: Goals of this Tutorial
Previous: Visualization Interactions
- Visualization
- - the graphical (as opposed to textual or verbal)
communication of information (e.g. data, documents, structure)
- Interaction
- - a fundamental component to visualization which
permits user-specified modifications to the visualization parameters
- Data model
- - representation of data, may include structure,
attributes, relationships, behavior, and semantics as well as repository for
data values themselves
- Graphical attributes
- - user-controllable aspects of the
image generation process, including position, size, color, shape,
orientation, speed, texture, and transparency of graphical entities
- Mapping
- - associating data values and attributes to graphical
entities and attributes
- Rendering
- - creating and displaying an image
- Field
- - a grid of data points, may be uniform/nonuniform
- Scalar
- - a single numeric data value
- Vector
- - a 1-D list of values associated with a single datum
- Tensor
- - a 2-D array of values associated with a single datum
- Isosurface
- - contours or boundaries in a field with a common
value, usually dependent on interpolating between values in the field
- Glyph
- - shape or image generated by mapping data components to
graphical attributes, also called an icon
Matthew Ward
Fri Jul 18 13:17:40 EDT 1997