Next: Absolute Judgement of Multidimensional
Up: Some Issues of Human
Previous: Human Perception and Information
- Sound Pitches (Pollack): equal logarithmic steps from 100 - 8000 cps.
Levels off at 2.5 bits (we can choose 6 pitches which listener will never
confuse). Varying range didn't change results appreciably. Persons
recognizing 5 high pitches or 5 low pitches didn't recognize 10 when combined.
- Sound Loudness (Gardner): varying spacing between 15 - 110 dbs. Levels
off at 2.3 bits (5 levels).
- Salinity (Beebe-Center): varying concentration from .3 to 34.7 gm NcCl per
100 cc water. Levels off at 1.9 bits (4 levels).
- Position on a Line (Hake/Gardner): pointer at arbitrary position between
2 markers. Participants labeled either from a list of possibilities or
number between 0 and 100. Levels off at 3.25 bits, though improves some for
long exposure (10 - 15 levels).
- Sizes of Squares (Eriksen/Hake): 2.2 bits
- Color (Eriksen): 3.1 bits for hue, 2.3 bits for brightness
- Touch (Gelard): placing vibrators on the chest area. Levels off at
4 intensities, 5 durations, and 7 locations.
- Line geometry (Pollack): line length was 2.6 - 3 bits (depends on
duration), direction was 2.8 - 3.3 bits, curvature was 2.2 bits for constant
arc length, 1.6 bits for constant chord length.
Summary: Appears to be some built-in limit on our capability to perceive
1-D signals. Mean is 2.6 bits, standard deviation is .6 bits.
Matthew Ward
Fri Jul 18 13:17:40 EDT 1997