Matthew Ward's Undergraduate Projects Topics

  1. Artificial Life: Prof. Ryder (BBT) and I are interested in developing a complete model of a human being as it develops from an embryo to fully developed. Knowledge of genetics and simulation are assumed. Some programming (though no graphics) will be required.

  2. A Guide to Everything: Current search engines are rather lame, as they really don't understand your queries and return hundreds of thousands of hits that are irrelevant to your task. Prof. Brown and I would like to develop a search engine with sufficient domain knowledge to find links only to the pages users are really interested in. Knowledge of AI and HCI are assumed. Some programming (though no graphics) will be required.

  3. An Automated Software Generator: Prof. Heineman and I are interested in developing methods for automatically generating software systems based entirely on a brief, unstructured description (in English) of the tasks required. Knowledge of Software Engineering and Natural Language Processing are assumed. Some programming (though no graphics) will be required.

  4. Write-Only Databases: Prof. Rundensteiner and I are interested in the theory, development, and application of database technology based on a write-only paradigm. Knowledge of Databases and Logic are assumed. ome programming (though no graphics) will be required.

Matthew O. Ward (