Matthew Ward's MQP Topics
- Multivariate Data Visualization:
Several projects are available that deal with enhancement
and application of a WPI-generated software package
(XmdvTool) for visualizing
high-dimensional data sets. Knowledge of Graphics and HCI is essential, and
knowing something about OpenGL programming would be
very beneficial. Some ideas for potential enhancements to the system
include adding animation capabilities, extending some of the display techniques
to 3D, and processing streaming or dynamically changing data.
We also have a number of database-related projects associated with this
effort, co-advised with Prof. Rundensteiner. These include issues such
as caching and prefetching algorithms, indexing structures for hierarchical
data, and using XML for capturing and presenting data semantics.
Projects are also available that involve application of the package to new
domains; the projects would
benefit from having at least one team member whose major includes the
application area. Knowledge of C++ and Eclipse is required - experience
with Qt would be a plus.
- Simulation and Visualization of the Early Biological Development:
Computer simulations of biological processes allow us to combine large
amounts of different types of information in a way that is meaningful and
useful to biologists. Much genetic and cellular information is known about
early development in C. elegans, an important model organism. A previous MQP
has begun to assemble this information into a visual simulation of
development of the animal, starting from a single cell. This project would
build on the previous one, making genetic and cellular interactions and
visualization more realistic. The simulation will be a useful tool for both
research and teaching purposes. A team consisting of both CS and BBT students
would be ideal (co-advised with Prof. Ryder).
- Software Visualization:
Prof. Heineman and I are interested in developing methods for visually
exploring the structure and behavior of large software systems to aid in
debugging, monitoring, testing, and comprehension. Java skills are a must,
as well as graphics and HCI.
- Visual Data Mining:
Prof. Ruiz and I are interested in integrating analytic and visual data
mining technologies to help identify structure in large databases of
information. Application areas could include medical informatics, homeland
security, bioinformatics, network security, or even e-mail processing.
Knowledge of data mining and/or graphics is essential. We are most
interested in projects in bioinformatics, both for CS majors and those
in the new BCB program.
- Visualization Across the Curriculum :
Most, if not all, educational activities can benefit from visual
representations. The question is how one could expand on its use. Projects
of this type can include developing visualization-centered learning modules
for given courses, designing curriculum components to help students design
better visualizations, and creating tools to facilitate the creation of
visualizations by students and faculty. Clearly, knowledge of HCI and
graphics is essential. Some projects of this sort could be combinations of
IQPs and MQPs.
- Home Insurance App:
This project, sponsored by Homesite Insurance and co-advised by Prof. Agu, is
looking to develop a
smart phone app that will facilitate the process of applying for homeowner's
insurance. The idea is that the owner would use the phone camera to take
pictures of aspects of the house, and these would be converted into the
typical parameters used in determining the cost of insurance. Experience
in HCI, programming for mobile devices, and image processing are all
desireable skills for this project, and it may involve students from other
- Visualizing Everything and Anything:
Over the years, I have supervised a wide range of visualization projects that are
based on interests of students. These include network traffic, music lyrics,
baseball pitches, football statistics, fire simulation, airplane traffic, music sound
files, student course schedules, and many others. I have plenty of ideas for other
topics, and am open to others suggested by students.
I am also involved with MQPs sponsored by EMC (though we don't know the
final projects for next year yet). Generally my projects will have some
aspect of graphics and/or visualization in them.
Matthew O. Ward (