Exercises for the fabric teachpack 0. Familiarize yourself with the images and functions in the teachpack. Enter the names of the images one at a time in the interactions window. Try the functions that create fabric images (create-solid-fabric, add-print, add-horiz-stripe, and add-vertical-stripe) to see what each one does. 1. Write an expression to create blue fabric with red stripes in one direction and purple stripes in the other (you pick the size). 2. Write an expression to create a small green stripe fabric with a chili print on it (you pick the size). 3. Invent two fabrics of your own using the teachpack functions. You can create your own print images using the circle and rectangle operators from the image teachpack (they are included in this teachpack). Each fabric should involve at least two calls to functions that create fabrics. Be creative! 4. Write a function create-from-fabric that consumes an image for a white clothing item (like the tshirt or hat) and a fabric image sized to fit that item and produces an image of the clothing item in the given fabric. 5. Write a function add-center-logo that consumes an image for a logo and an image for a clothing item and produces an image of the clothing item with the logo centered on it. The given clothing item may already be printed in fabric. 6. Write a function stack-logos that consumes images of two logos and returns an image with the first logo just above the second logo. You do not need to center the logos, but you may if you wish. 7. Write a function side-by-side-logos that consumes images of two logos and returns an image with the first logo to the left of the second logo. You do not need to center the logos, but you may if you wish. 8. Define three pieces of clothing using a combination of the teachpack functions and your definitions. You should use each of the functions you defined at least once. Again, be creative!