Comp 280 Course Policies


Your grade for this course will be based on homework (approx. 40%) and two take-home exams (approx. 30% each). Makeup exams will only be granted in emergency situations.


There will be one homework assignment per week. Hard-copies of homeworks will be due in class (usually on Thursdays). Late homework will not be accepted without prior arrangement, barring emergencies. If you know you will miss class, slide your assignment under the instructor's door before the end of class on the due date. Graded homeworks will be returned in class.

The course homepage contains additional information about homework, including formatting instructions.

Honor Code Policy

All material turned in for this class is subject to the honor code unless otherwise noted.

Exams test your individual understanding and knowledge of the material.

Collaboration during exams is not tolerated.

Homeworks help you understand the material and prepare you for the exam. You are encouraged to discuss the homework problems and their solutions with the course staff and other students (including those not currently taking 280). However, you must write up your homework solutions on your own, without assistance or input from other students. Submitted solutions copied from or shared with another student will constitute a violation of the honor code. If you have questions about the honor code policy, ask the instructor.

Warning: The exams are designed to test your understanding of the homework material. If you fail to understand the homework problems or solutions, you cannot understand the lecture material and you are unlikely to pass the course.


Any student with a disability requiring accommodations in this class is encouraged to contact the instructor after class or during office hours. Additionally, students can contact the Coordinator for Disabled Student Services in the RMC Cloisters. If you need accommodations for exams, you must speak with the instructor during the first two weeks of class.
The COMP 280 homepage