This is a heading

This is a smaller heading

In HTML, we can format lists of information, such as what you need to know about HTML:

  1. What does HTML stand for?
  2. What is Hypertext?
  3. What does HTML look like?

We can also format tables of information. Here's an example that answers the above questions:

Question Answer
What does HTML stand for? Hypertext Markup Language
What is Hypertext? Hypertext is text that is annotated with connections (or links) to other pieces of text. Here is a link to the COMP 210 web page.
What does HTML look like? Select View Source from the View menu on Netscape to see the HTML source for this page.

When you view source, what you'll see is basically the text of the web page, plus a lot of other stuff. This other stuff is all written in brackets <...> and is mostly formatting information. These are called tags, and they come in two basic types:

One of these tags is particularly interesting. The HTML
     <a href="">a link to the COMP 210 web page</a>
creates the link to the COMP 210 home page shown in the table above.

Consider links. A link consists of two pieces of information: the text to highlight and the address (also called a URL, for Universal Resource Locator) of the page to display if someone clicks on the highlighted text. To do: Come up with a structure definition for a link.

What kind of information is each part of the link? We often want to have spaces in the highlighted text, so we can't use a symbol. Instead, we use a sequence of words enclosed in double quotes. We call such a sequence a string.

"This is an example of a string."

We will get more practice with strings and HTML during the next few weeks.

Back to this week's lab.