CS 3733-D01: Software Engineering

Schedule of Readings and Due Dates

3733 Home Page

Due Dates

The contents of all assignments will be explained in detail on the assignment handouts. All assignments are due electronically (via turnin) at 11:59pm on the date shown unless otherwise noted.

Requirements DocumentGroupFriday, March 30, in class
Midterm Exam (in class) IndividualTuesday, April 3
Interface ProposalGroupMonday, April 9, in class
Software IntegrationIndividualTuesday, April 17
Component ImplementationGroupTuesday, April 24
Final Exam (in class) IndividualMonday, April 30
Component ExtensionGroupTuesday, May 1, 5pm


Readings refer to the Bruegge and Dutoit text unless noted otherwise.
This page maintained by Kathi Fisler
Department of Computer Science Worcester Polytechnic Institute