CS 3733-D01: Software Engineering

Guidelines for Code Walks

3733 Home Page

Why Code Walks?

A code walk is a presentation where you, the programmer, present and defend your code to a review panel (in this case, the professor and perhaps a TA). Code walks are valuable for two reasons:

During a code walk, programmers describe their code and why they implemented it as they did (why they used certain data structures, coding formats, and test cases, for example). The review panel asks questions to determine whether the code is well-structured, correct, efficient, robust in the light of possible errors, and extensible, to name a few criteria. As the programmers answer the questions, the review panel can assess the quality of the code and how carefully the programmers thought about its design and implementation.

When and Where?

Code walks will be held between April 25th and the end of the term. They will be in Kathi's office (FL 145) unless otherwise announced on the mailing list. Each code walk lasts 30 minutes. You wlil sign up for appointments using the on-line scheduler later in April.


This page maintained by Kathi Fisler
Department of Computer Science Worcester Polytechnic Institute