CS 536 (F03) Homework 9: Type Checking

Due: December 15 in class (hardcopy) AND via turnin (assignment name hwk9).

Consider the following typed language that includes numbers, booleans, conditionals, functions, and numeric lists. The concrete syntax for the language is given by the following BNF grammars:

   <expr> ::= <num>
            | true
            | false
            | {+ <expr> <expr>}
            | {iszero <expr>}
            | {bif <expr> <expr> <expr>}

            | <id>
            | {let {<id> : <type> <expr>} <expr>}
            | {fun {<id> : <type>} : <type> <expr>}
	    | {rec {<id> : <type> <expr>}  <expr>}
            | {<expr> <expr>}

            | nempty
            | {ncons <expr> <expr>}
            | {nempty? <expr>}
            | {nfirst <expr>}
            | {nrest <expr>}

   <type> ::= number
            | boolean
            | nlist
            | (<type> -> <type>)
In the syntax for types, base types are represented by symbols, and the arrow type by a Scheme list of three elements: the type of the argument, the symbol ->, and the type of the result.

This language includes some primitives and constructs beyond those discussed in the lecture on types:

The file typecheck-init.scm contains the datatype definitions and a parser for this language. Start with that file for the following exercises.


  1. Write the type judgments for the five numeric list constructs: nempty, ncons, nempty?, nfirst, and nrest. (You can write these by hand -- they do not need to be included in the file you submit via turnin).

  2. Implement the function type-of, which consumes a TFunIfRecExp (the output of the parser) and an escape continuation that accepts a string. If the program has no type errors, type-of returns the type of the program, using the external representation of types given above. If the program does have a type error, type-of invokes the continuation with a string containing an error message. For example:

          (let/cc esc (type-of (parse '{+ 1 2}) esc))
    should produce number, while:
          (let/cc esc (type-of (parse '{3 4}) esc))
    might produce "cannot apply a number". (This use of continuations is a primitive form of exceptions.) This interface will make it easier for me to test your program than if you used error.

    As always, I will examine your test cases when grading.

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