Delimiter starttag_keyword(name)

- return internal code corresponding to name int name;

Delimiter endtag_keyword(name)

- return internal code corresponding to name int name;

String starttag_to_string(starttag)

- find string belonging to starttag int starttag;

String endtag_to_string(endtag)

- find string belonging to endtag int endtag;

P_Attdeflist string_to_attrs(name)

- find corresponding attribute list String name;

The name of the generic identifier is not known in the program, only the symbolic value of the starttag and endtag are known. To print a correct error-message the name must be found. The generator generates a table in which every name is connected with the corresponding starttag and endtag. See ``gentags.c'' for the generation of the table.

starttag_keyword() and endtag_keyword() return the keyvalue corresponding to the generic identifier name. The next two procedures return the name of the generic identifier given the keyword for the start- or endtag. The last procedure returns the attribute list corresponding with element `name'.

Parserinfo string_info(name)

- return the information belonging to element name String name;

Parserinfo endtag_info(endtag)

- return the information corresponding to endtag int endtag;

Parserinfo starttag_info(starttag)

- return the information corresponding to starttag int starttag;

Return the information about a specific element indicated by its name (string_info()), its endtag (endtag_info()) or its starttag (starttag_info()).

void info_set_end_rep(info, rep)

- fill in the endtag replacement Parserinfo info; P_Replace rep;

void info_set_start_rep(info, rep)

- fill in the starttag replacement Parserinfo info; P_Replace rep;

During reading of the replacement file, the values for the start- and endtag can be filled in. The replacement file is read in the document parser so the information is not generated as the rest of the information.

int document_start()

- return document type name

String info_name(info)

- return element name Parserinfo info;

int info_starttag(info)

- return starttag Parserinfo info;

int info_endtag(info)

- return endtag Parserinfo info;

P_Attdeflist info_attlist(info)

- return attribute list Parserinfo info;

int* info_incl(info)

- return inclusion list Parserinfo info;

int* info_excl(info)

- return exclusion list Parserinfo info;

P_Map info_map(info)

- return shortreference map Parserinfo info;

P_Replace info_end_rep(info)

- return endtag replacement Parserinfo info;

P_Replace info_start_rep(info)

- return starttag replacement Parserinfo info;

document_start() returns the name of the document. The other routines return a field of the parserinformation.

tags.c tags.h