void init_shortref()
- initalizes this module
Bool is_shortref(delimiter)
- checks whether delimiter is a short reference delimiter
Delimiter delimiter;
These functions are straight forward.
P_Map new_map(name)
- creates a new map
String name;
void define_mapping(map, literal, entity_name)
- defines a short reference
P_Map map;
String literal;
String entity_name;
Bool map_equal(map1, map2)
- checks whether map1 and map2 have the same name
P_Map map1;
P_Map map2;
These functions create new short reference maps,
new_map() creates a new map.
It checks, using map_equal(), that the name of the new map is not
used for another map.
A map must be created before a short reference delimiter can be added to it.
Define_mapping() adds the short reference delimiter literal, that is mapped
to entity_name, to the short reference map map.
If the literal is not a correct short reference delimiter or
if a short reference is defined twice, an
error report is given.
See the Standard figure 4, page 33 for a list of all allowed
short reference delimiters.
void push_map(map, gi)
- pushes map, when it becomes current map
P_Map map;
int gi;
void pop_map(map, gi)
- pops map, when it is ended
P_Map map;
int gi;
Short reference maps are used in a stack-like manner.
Whenever a new map becomes active, the previous map is stored.
When the new map becomes inactive the old one is re-installed.
A stack is used to keep all open maps.
push_map() and pop_map() work on this stack.
The top of the stack is always the current map.
The argument gi for pop_map() and push_map() is the symbolic name
of the generic identifier to which the map belongs.
If the map was activated by a USEMAP declaration, gi equals TOK_NOD.
A map is deactivated, when the element in which it was activated
is closed.
The gi parameter is needed to find which maps must be deactivated.
void usemap(elems, map)
- usemap declaration
P_Group elems;
String map;
This function is called to store the result of a usemap
The group elems contains the names of the elements,
map is the name of the short reference map.
A usemap declaration with elements is an error if
it occurs in a document.
Bool in_current_map(shortref)
- checks whether shortref is in the current map
int shortref;
String current_mapping(shortref)
- returns current mapping of shortref
Delimiter shortref;
The function
in_current_map() checks whether the short reference delimiter shortref is
defined in the current map.
The function current_mapping() returns the name of the entity to which
short reference delimiter shortref is mapped in
the currently active short reference map..
It returns 0 if shortref is not mapped in the current map.
Bool is_current_shortref_char(ch)
- checks if ch can be short reference
int ch;
void add_first_chars(set, ch)
- puts ch in set
P_Set set;
int ch;
is_current_shortref_char() checks whether ch can be the
start of a short reference in the current map.
This is used to speed up the lexical analyser. Using this
function, it only has to try to match a short reference delimiter
if the first character is the start of one.
add_first_chars() is used to put the first characters of all defined short
reference delimiters in a set, which is used by the previous function.
P_Map lookup_map(map_name)
- finds map with name map_name
String map_name;
String element_map_var(elem_name)
- returns the variable name of the map belonging to elem_name
String elem;
void generate_map(src, ext)
- generates map for document parser
FILE *src;
FILE *ext;
The function generate_map()
generates C code that will be included in the document parser.
This is needed to make the short reference maps, defined in the
DTD, known to the document parser.
element_map_var() returns the variable name of the map that corresponds
to elem.
Lookup_map() takes a string and finds the short reference map with that name.
It returns ILL_MAP if no such map exists.
These functions are only used in the generator.
Bool maps_ok()
- checks whether the maps are correct
String element_map(elem)
- returns the name of the map belonging to elem
String elem;
The function maps_ok() checks whether each map that occurs in a usemap
declaration is defined.
It also checks whether an element name does not occur in more
then one usemap declaration.
element_map() returns the name of the map that corresponds to elem.
These functions are only used in the generator.
Mapstack new_mapstack(null_elem)
- creates a new stack for maps
P_Stackelem null_elem;
void push_mapstack(s, e)
- push element e on stack s
Mapstack s;
P_Stackelem e;
P_Stackelem pop_mapstack(s)
- pops the top element of stack s
Mapstack s;
P_Stackelem top_mapstack(s)
- returns top element of stack s
Mapstack s;
For the description of these functions see ``stack.gen''.
void debug_shortref(b)
- turns debugging flag ON/OFF
Bool b;
void print_map(file, map)
- prints map on file
FILE *file;
P_Map map;
These functions are used for debugging purposes only.
shortref.c shortref.h