char lastchar(s)

- returns the last character in the string s String s;

Bool doubble_quotes(value)

- returns whether value contains doubble quotes String value;

Both functions are used internally in the out module.

void out_newline()

- output a newline

void out_char(ch)

- output a character char ch;

void out_string(string)

- output a string String string;

void out_pi(instruction)

- output a processing instruction String instruction;

out_newline() writes no newline on standard output if the last character written was a newline. Otherwise a newline is written if the next character is no newline. out_string() and out_char() are evident. out_pi() output the processing instruction surrounded by PIO and PIC if there is no replacement file, otherwise it output only the processing instruction.

void out_tag(tag)

- output a tag int tag;

void out_rep_tag(info, rep)

- output a replacement for a tag Parserinfo info; P_Replace rep;

void out_standard_endtag(info)

- output an endtag Parseinfo info;

void out_standard_starttag(info)

- output a starttag Parserinfo info;

out_tag() chechs whether there is a replacement file. If there is a replacement file instead of the tag the replacement is output. Otherwise the tag itself is output. This function calls the three other declared functions.

out_standard_starttag() output a starttag with the attributes and their values filled in. If an attribute has no current value and the default type is implied the attribute is not written. out_standard_endtag() output the endtag as defined in the Standard.

out_rep_tag() output the replacement value for the tag. See also the module replace.c and the description of the Backend.

void init_out(filename)

- initilize the out module String filename;

The out module is initialized. If filename denotes an existing file, it is taken to be the replacement file.

out.c out.h