void init_notation()

- initializes this module

void define_notation(name, identifier)

- defines notation name String name; P_Extern_id identifier;

int get_notation(name)

- returns TRUE if name is defined as notation String name;

Notations are kept in a hash table. Notations can be defined by define_notation(). It checks whether the notation is already defined. Get_notation() is only used for checking whether a notation used in an attribute list or in a NDATA entity, is a correctly defined notation. Notations are not processed otherwise.

table new_not_table(size)

- creates a new notation table int size;

void not_insert(h, key, info)

- inserts element key with info in hashtable h table h; String key; P_Extern_id info;

P_Extern_id not_lookup(h, key)

- finds element key in hashtable h table h; String key;

See for description of the functions ``hash.gen''.

notation.c notation.h