void generate_incl(fp_doc, name_ext, name_incl)

- generate inclusion list FILE *fp_doc; String name_ext; String name_incl;

An inclusion does not appear in the content model so it is not part of the production rule for the element. When an inclusion is encountered a parser for the inclusion is called and the inclusion is parsed. To know which parser to call a table is generated with pairs consisting of the inclusion's starttag and the parser for the inclusion. This is generated on the file with name ``incl.i''. To refer to a parser (a C-function), the parser must be defined extern. This is done on the file ``incl.ext''.

ch_stack create_ch_stack(null_elem)

- create character stack String null_elem;

void push_ch(s, e)

- push element e on stack s ch_stack s; String e;

String pop_ch(s)

- pop element of stack s ch_stack s;

Bool on_stack_ch(s, e)

- check whether element e is on stack s ch_stack s; String e;

For information on the above procedures see ``stack.gen''.

gen_incl.c gen_incl.h