This term's project is to take the course Module entitled Multimedia Design and add more multimedia to it.


  1. March 21/25: Conceptualization

  2. March 28/April 1: (5 points) A Proposal

  3. April 4/7 (5 points) Hyperscripting (StoryBoarding)

  4. Prototyping (Your entire project is actually a prototype!)

  5. April 11/14 Asset Collection

  6. April 18/21 Asset Integration and editing

  7. Implementation (We won't do this)

  8. Testing (This will be on the exam)

  9. April 25 (25 points) Publishing And your presentation!

Project Groups:

Great picture of the Multimedia Design Process

Send questions and comments to: Karen Lemone

___ ___ ___ What do these buttons mean?

Send questions and comments to: Karen Lemone

___ ___ ___ What do these buttons mean?

Send questions and comments to: Karen Lemone

___ ___ ___ What do these buttons mean?