Lab #2


PhotoShop is used to edit scanned images or to create and edit drawings.

In this lab, you will be creating both .gif and .jpg images.

I will be linking your pictures into the course pages, so I need to you to tell me when you are done so I can FTP them to the course directory.


I will demo the following steps for you.

  1. Open PhotoShop

  2. Be sure the following tools are open:

  3. Select New from the File Menu

  4. In the New Window:

  5. Select foreground and background colors

  6. Select the gradiant tool, and create a gradiated box by clicking on the bottom of the box, holding down the mouse and sliding it to the top of the box.

  7. Select Text and click inside your picture. Select a fontsize of 36 points. Make it a color and a font that you like. Write your name.

  8. In the layer box, drag the layer to the icon to the left of the trash

  9. In the Mode menu, select Indexed Color, and click "OK" when it asks "Flatten Colors"? Then click "Ok" in the Indexed Color box.

  10. Save your file as a gif image. Use your initials as the file names. (NOTE: Be sure to select COMPUSERVE GIF as your file type!)

  11. Call me so I can FTP your image.

    PhotoShop's Home Page?

    Some JPEG files in PhotoShop

    Kai Crause's Tips

    Send questions and comments to: Karen Lemone

    ___ ___ ___ What do these buttons mean?