The first high-level programming languages were developed in the late 50's and 60's - FORTRAN & Algol came first, followed rapidly by COBOL, BASIC, and many more.
These languages allowed programmers to write programs in a more natural language notation. As they started to be used in the middle to late 60's, and early 70's, document preparation systems also continued to become more extensive.
High-level programming languages allow instructions to be repeated.
They also allow some instructions to be executed based on the oucome of a condition.
These structuring constructs began to find their way into document preparation languages. For example, some languages allowed you to test whether the formatted document had reached the end of a page or not.
These embedded markups which describe how to format are called procedural markup , and, similarly, languages such as FORTRAN are called procedural languages.
Both describe how something is to be done - FORTRAN by providing ways to operate on data, formatters by describing the appearance of text, controlling fonts, and spacing.
More sophisticated formatting commands began to develop because of the development of more sophisticated printers and phototypesetters.
Send questions and comments to: Karen Lemone