
I would like to know something about you in order to present material that you will understand, that will not bore you (too much), and that you will want to learn.

    Your Name:

    Your email address:

    Homework Answers:

    Send questions and comments to: Karen Lemone

    What do these buttons mean?

  1. What is your name?

  2. What is your EMail address?

  3. Do you have a Web home page? If so, what is its http address?

  4. How many classes have you already had today?

  5. How well do you program in C?

  6. Have you studied HCI - Human, Computer Interaction? Describe any background you may have in HCI

  7. Describe your multimedia background (if any)

  8. Describe your knowledge of picture file formats and compression techniques

  9. What World Wide Browsers are you familiar with

  10. Have you used HTML? If so, how much?

  11. Have you used Perl? If so, how much

  12. Why are you taking this class?

  13. What do you hope to learn in this class?

  14. What questions do you have?

  15. Other comments

Send questions and comments to: Karen Lemone

What do these buttons mean?