
What is Hypertext?

Many people have given definitions. Here are a few:

Ted Nelson (dubbed: "The father of hypertext" - The reading will discuss him)

"A combination of natural language text with the computer's capacity for interactive branching"

Ted Nelson (again)

"Dynamic display of a nonlinear text which cannot be printed conveniently on a conventional page"

P. J. Brown

"Representation of a body of information in a form that captures all the inherent interlinks in the information"

Elmer Sanvad (If anyone knows who he is, please let me know!)

"Organization of a document as a collection of nodes connected by direct links"

Richard Rubenstein (author of Digital Typography, published by Digital Press)

"A system in which a rich structure of interconnections is created & used within online electronic documents"

Jeff Conklin (author of an IEEE Survey article on hypertext. It's referenced in the bibliography of the reading)

"A computer-based system with the ability to perform high speed, branching transactions on textual elements, to aid thinking and to aid communication"

Anonymous 1

"Idea Processing"

Anonymous 2

"Basis for global scientific literature"

(This will be a question on the homework. so while you are reading about hypertext, think about a definition of your own)

There are 2 sets of readings - the second written in 1945!


Balasubramanian's list of hypertext research topics

Traditional and hypertext publishing issues


Professor Paul DeBra's hypermedia course

Send questions and comments to: Karen Lemone

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