Homework 1 Solutions

  1. Name the three aspects of a Structured Document


    The Logical aspect, the Physical aspect and the Viewing or Output aspect.

  2. Name some benefits of using Structure Documents rather than ordinary elctronic documents.


    Benefits of "adding structure" to electronic documents include: Portability, Re-usability, Inter-system operability, Ease of storage and retrieval, Low distribution costs, Quick access, Ease of maintenance and updating, Longevity, Ease of organization and re-organization, and Appearance easily changed.

  3. Name 2 problems associated with conversion to structured documents.


    Problems associated with conversion to structured documents include: High start-up costs and a huge initial time commitment.

  4. Who is Tim Berners-Lee? Given credit for creating WWW

    Larry Wall? Designed and implemented first Perl version

    James Gosling? Headed Java creation team

  5. What does the 755 mean in "chmod 755 *.html". Be precise.


    755 in binary is 111 101 101 (spaces for clarity). Each set of 3 stands for the three priviledges read, write, and execute. A value of 1 allows the priviledge and a value of 0 does not allow it. The first set of three are the owner's priviledges, the second set are the groups (do a "pwd" to see what groups you belong to) and the last three are the priviledges anyone (called the "world") has to your files.

    Thus for 755, the owner can read, wrote and execute, while the group and the world can only read and execute. This is the usual set of priviledges given to WWW pages.

  6. What is the address of your home page

    Most everyone has one now!

  7. How does the client-server model differ if you are accessing (with a browser) a Web page which is on your own computer?


    Any description where the client and server computers are the same is correct.

  8. The first document production systems were analogous to what kinds of programming languages? ANSWER

    Assembly Languages

  9. Runoff's markup describes what aspect (see question #1) of the structure of a document?


    Physical Structure

  10. Continue from the Evolution of both programming languages and document management in the 1990's to what may take place in the early 2000's

    People mentioned: greater use of electronic newpspapers, visual programming, demise of paper, merger of doc mgt tools and programming languages, more interactive Internet, companies sell all products online

Send questions and comments to: Karen Lemone

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