Module 3
Perform requirements analysis
Choose appropriate data gathering techniques
- Perform a hierarchical task analysis
- User Analysis
- Requirements Analysis
- Data Gathering and Analysis
- Hierarchical Task Analysis
- Principle of Mapping
1. Clayton Lewis and John Rieman
The Task Centered Design Process (Just 1.1
and 1.2)
2. Clayton Lewis and John Rieman
Getting to know users and their tasks
3. Text
Chapter 10
4. Gas Station example
5. Fashion website example
Assignment (Homework #3)
1. (1 point) (INDIVIDUAL) Describe briefly (as done in class)
data, environmental, user,
and usability requirements for the following system?
On-board ship data analysis system for geologists searching for
2. (1 point) Audience Analysis Show the
results of question 3, homework #2,
your audience analysis (Send out/Perform your audience analysis
as soon as
you've gotten feedback!)
3. (2 points) Requirements Analysis Using
your data from #2 and your
own research, perform a requirements analysis (see #1 for
parameters) of
your project.
5. (1 point)
a) Task Description Use
Essential Use Cases to describe the tasks from #3.
b) Task
Analysis Perform a Hierarchical Task
Analysis (HTA) of your project from #3.
Use verbs such as Order
toys, Compute
a sum, Draw a race car, etc.