IMGD 4000 - Project 4

A Technical Game

Top | Idea | Plan | Web | First | Final | Notes | Submission | Grading

Due dates:

The end goal of this project is to build a working game with one or more technical components. As the focus of the course is on the technical aspects of game development, the game does not necessarily have to look good or even have innovative game design, but it should be a (good) playable game and exhibit one or more technical characteristics as determined in the plan.

You will work in groups of 3 for this project.

Game Idea

The Game Idea is a brief document with the overall idea behind your game. Expect to write about 1 page. The game idea document should include:

Game Plan

The Game Plan provides more details on the how the game will be built. This is a somewhat longer document, so expect to write 2-3 pages, with sections such as:

The Game Plan document will be updated and turned in with your Final Playable.

Web Page

You will create a Web page for your game, designed to show it off. This should be a front-end to the game, suitable for a portfolio. Included aspects will likely include:

The Web page can have multiple sections or multiple pages. Likely candidates include sections of: Main/Home, Development Team and Credits, Instructions, and Download.

The Web pages can also have links that are internally useful to your development team, such as the timeline, or hotlinks, etc. These should be removed for the final project.

First Playable

The first playable game prototype will:

The First Playable will be shown to the class in a presentation. This will be a brief (5 minute) walkthrough of the game. If running it is difficult, for whatever reason, include screenshots or a "canned' movie.

For turnin, include:

Final Playable

The final game should:

Note, while called "final" this release is, in effect, more similar to the traditional "Alpha" release of a computer game (with the exception that the game should have at least one, balanced and tested game level).

The Final Playable will be shown to the class in a presentation and will be played by class members during the game fest.

For turnin, include:


You are free to implement your game in your choice of language (C, C++, Java...) using your choice of graphics libraries (OpenGL, DirectX, Ogre, Lightweight Java Game Library...) or game engines (Torque, C4, Game Maker, Golden T Game Engine, ...). Consider using a language you are familiar with or feel you can pick up with relative ease (you don't want to spend too much of your development effort fighting with the language). Consider using a game engine or libraries that take care of the technical parts of the game that are not the focus of your implementation.

Using your own prior work is allowed, but must be carefully documented. If you start with a previously developed game or even previously developed idea, the initial state (ie- what is implemented) needs to be clearly provided. Similarly, any code used from previous classes or development efforts must be noted with details.

The focus on the game (and the course) is on the technical aspects of game development. So, don't spend too much time on the art. You are encouraged to borrow art assets (music, sound effects, models, textures, sprites, tiles) from freely available sources. Do note any artistic restrictions in art assets you use, especially if you intend on using your game as part of a portfolio.


All assignments are to be submitted electronically via turnin by 11:59pm on the day the assignment is due. Turnin of code should include all the support files to allow it to be built, along with detailed instructions on platform, libraries, etc.

You will need to upload the files you are turning in to your CCC account on one of the CCC machines (ccc1 to ccc10). While logged into a CCC machine, you will need to enter the directory where these files are stored and execute the following:

  /cs/bin/turnin submit <course> <assignment> <file1> <file2> ...

where in our case, <course> is imgd400, <assignment> is project4a (or project4b or project4c or ...), and <file1>, etc. are the files to be turned in. So for example, you might enter:

  /cs/bin/turnin submit imgd4000 project4a Idea.doc 

Following this, you should verify that your files have been entered into turnin by executing the following command:

  /cs/bin/turnin verify imgd4000 project4a


Grading Guidelines
Idea 10% The idea is important to get you off to the right start. Be sure it is a topic all team members buy in to.
Plan 20% The plan is an important milestone to set the stage for successful development.
Web Page 10% Effective presentation, often via the Web, is an important skill for portfolio building.
First Playable 20% The first playable represents a major milestone in development, but the bulk of the points are saved for the final project. Part of the points here include the presentation.
Final Playable 40% The final playable, the actual game that is produced, is worth the bulk of the points. The points here include the presentation and revised game plan, too.

Top | Idea | Plan | Web | First | Final | Notes | Submission | Grading

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