IMGD 4000 - Project 1

Chess Board

Top | Description | Notes | Links | Submission | Grading

Due date: Monday, March 26, by 11:59pm

This is the first of three projects to build an online chess game. This project focuses on getting a representative chess board on the screen. Subsequent projects will develop the backend (AI and Networking) for this board.

Note: This project is to be done individually!


You are to make a front-end (GUI) for a computer chess game. Some specifics include:


You are free to implement your game in your choice of language (C/C++, Java, ...). You should use a language you are familiar with as you don't want to spend too much of your development effort fighting with the language. Consider using graphics libraries, but a game engine is probably not required.

For the graphics, you can use your choice of graphics libraries (OpenGL, DirectX, Ogre, Lightweight Java Game Library, curses, Game Maker...). Since the focus is on the technical aspects of game development, don't spend too much time on the art. Simple geometric shapes or letters are suitable for a working chess board.


Some samples that may be useful:



All assignments are to be submitted electronically via turnin by 11:59pm on the day the assignment is due. Turnin of code should include all the support files to allow your game to be built. Include a README with detailed instructions on platform, libraries, etc.

The easiest way to submit your game is to zip the files, including the sub-directory. For ease of grading, call the sub-directory your_last_name-proj1 (ie- claypool-proj1), creating a file.

You will need to upload the file you are turning in to your CCC account on one of the CCC machines (ccc1 to ccc10). While logged into a CCC machine, you will need to enter the directory where these files are stored and execute the following:

  /cs/bin/turnin submit <course> <assignment> <file1> <file2> ...

where in our case, <course> is imgd4000, <assignment> is project1, and <file1>, etc. are the files to be turned in. So for example, you might enter:

  /cs/bin/turnin submit imgd4000 project1

Following this, you should verify that your files have been entered into turnin by executing the following command:

  /cs/bin/turnin verify imgd4000 project1


Grading Guidelines
Basic Board 45% Draw a basic chess board on the screen, where all pieces are represented and setup properly.
User Input 25% Allow players to select and move pieces.
Legal Moves 20% Allow only legal moves. Allow pieces to be taken from the board (legally).
Checkmate 5% Detect the end-game (check mate).
Advanced moves 5% Castling, stalemate, 50-move rule, En passant, etc.

Top | Description | Notes | Links | Submission | Grading

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