Proposal: Friday, April 19th, 6pm
Report: Monday,
April 29th, 11:59pm
Presentations: Tuesday, April 30th, 10am, Wednesday, May
1st, 10am
The goal of this project is to do some game data analysis on a game of your choosing. You will plan out an analytics pipeline suitable for your selected game. This requires consideration of the game, the type and quantity of data that can be gathered from the game, needed playtesting (if any), and processing necessary to wrangle raw data into a form for analysis. In particular, you must plan ahead in terms of the analysis you seek, presented in the form of “hand drawn” charts, writing up your plan in the form of a written proposal. After having the proposal approved, you enact your plan to obtain and extract game data, analyze the data through charts and tables, and writeup the results in a report for dissemination. Finally, you’ll do a brief presentation showcasing one result from your report.
This project can be done solo or in a group of two.
You must submit a proposal about 1/3 of the way in, leaving about 2/3 of the project time remaining until the project report is due. You will turn this in via Canvas (see Submissions below).
The purpose of the proposal is two fold: 1) to force you to “look before you leap” - investigating what a game of interest may provide for analytic opportunities before using it in a project; and 2) allow for feedback on the appropriate scope and content of your project.
The proposal outlines the work that will constitute your project. The proposal should include:
A heading, indicating your project title (creativity welcome) and associated student name(s). Remember, this project can be done solo but also in a group, if you so choose, two people maximum.
A brief overview of the game used for your analytics. You can choose a brand new game or you can use one of the games from a previous projects (i.e., Heroes of the Storm, Mazetool, Hearthstone, or Pig variants).
The game overview can be quite brief for one of the previously-used games (but should still be there!), but should be more descriptive for any other game.
A brief description of the game analytics
pipeline you will use, particularly if there are new
scripts/tools needed to obtain the raw game data or convert data to a
CSV (e.g., such as a Python script as used in Projects 2 and 3). You
must include a brief description of the data available for analysis for
the selected game. This should include details on the exact fields
(e.g., game duration) as well as the native format (e.g.,
As part of this section, you should include an excerpt of the data you will analyze, in terms of the variables (typically columns in a spreadsheet) and observations (typically rows). For example, your rows might be games and the columns might be the points scored, the shots fired and the health pots consumed.
Charts, hand drawn (i.e., on paper or manually with a paint tool), that show your intended visual analysis. The charts should not have numbers nor necessarily even units, but should definitely have labeled axes and clearly depict trends/relationships you want to observe. For reference, see examples of hand drawn game analytics charts.
You must include at least 3 charts in the proposal and at least 3 different types of charts. They should not be trivial variants of each other (e.g., a CDF and then a histogram of the same data).
Tables should also be included, where appropriate.
Note, if you choose a previously analyzed game from projects 1-3, you must do all new analysis.
A timeline for expected completion of major tasks. e.g., gather data, analyze game duration, analyze scores versus game type, … write draft of report, write final report. The project time is only little over a week (after the proposal is due), so the granularity should be day-by-day.
A grading guide of where points should be allocated for your project based on amount of effort it will require (e.g., game setup, data pipeline, analysis of players …). The emphasis must prioritize the final analysis, but there is some leeway as to what parts of the analysis can be prioritized. See prior grading guides for Project 1, Project 2, and Project 3 for examples.
Note, your grade will be entirely reflected in the report, so for any effort awarded, it must be evident in the report.
Also note, you will submit a final version of your grading guide with your final report, revised to reflect the actual work and emphasis done.
The “size” of your project should be about the same as the previous
projects, in terms of number of hours (i.e., plan on about 10-12 hours
total, including proposal). But remember, unlike in previous projects,
you need to “figure out” the analytics pipeline yourself! As such, this
suggests slightly less analysis (i.e., fewer charts) than might have
been produced in previous reports. Of course, the same does not hold for
analysis if you use games from Projects 1, 2, or 3 where the pipeline is
already known. Similarly, if the game to be analyzed provides a
dataset (i.e., a simpler pipeline), more analysis
should be done.
A project done in a group of two will need to be approximately 1/3rd “bigger” than a project done individually.
You can analyze a game you have developed. However, the emphasis must be on analytics and not on instrumenting the game and definitely not on developing the game. Similarly, playtesting to gather data cannot be a major part of the project.
Your proposal text should be about 1-2 pages at most in length, but the entire document will likely be significantly longer with proposed charts, tables and any screen shots, as appropriate.
There are many possible games that are suitable. If in doubt, run ideas by the professor briefly (after class, during office hours or via email/discord) before starting work in earnest on the proposal.
A good way to find data of all types are:
Search terms (from general, e.g., “game”, to specific, e.g., “League of Legends”) can help narrow down choices.
Remember, when investigating a new game, account for extra time to
figure out the data format (e.g., Is it in json
? Are log
files in some custom format?) and any needed scripts you will need to
When referencing a game in a report, good practice is to include the publisher and the year published. e.g., League of Legends (Riot Games, 2009). Include any other information that may be relevant (e.g., version or patch number, if known).
In the proposal (and final report), make sure to motivate the exploration for each type of analysis. Why are you doing this? What is the interesting question you are trying to answer? What is the hypothesis?
For the proposal (and final report), note that 3 charts of 3 different types is the minimum. More should be used for a deeper exploration, as appropriate. Remember to consider (and compute) appropriate summary statistics (e.g. mean).
For final reports, remember to describe the data sets (source, sampling, size/composition) and data pipeline (tools, filtering, scripts) in the report. Roughly, this length of this section in the report should be proportional to the effort in data wrangling for the project.
You writeup a report of your analysis.
The report should include a brief description of the game, as appropriate, and the methodology, particularly as it relates to the results obtained. Please read the entire project description above, including hints, for details on what should be in these sections.
Make sure to have clearly organized report sections.
All guidelines for data analysis (charts, writeup, statistics) pertain to this report, too.
Remember to include a grading guide of where points should be allocated for your project. This should be based on the grading guide from your proposal, but can be adjusted somewhat based on where the actual emphasis of work/results ended.
You can re-use material from your proposal, as appropriate.
Both the proposal and the report are to be submitted electronically via Canvas by 11:59pm on the day due. There are separate entries for the Project Proposal and the Project Report.
A project done in a group should be submitted by only one member of the group, with the names of both group members clearly indicated on the proposal and report.
Documents must be a PDF, named proj4-lastname.pdf.
The submission is a report in PDF, named:
with your name in place of “lastname” above, of course.
To submit your assignment (proj4-lastname.pdf
Go to the canvas page for the class
Navigate to:Assignments
->Project 4
(Proposal or Report)
Click:Submit Assignment
Click:Choose File
Select the pdf file:proj4-lastname.pdf
Click:Submit Assignment
Important - you must click the
Submit Assignment
button at the end or your file will not
be submitted!
When successfully submitted, you should see a message similar to:
SUBMITTED on May 01, 2023 10:53am
After you have submitted your report, you will make a brief presentation on your project in class. Presentations should begin with a high concept of the game, a brief mention of where the data analyzed came from, and then one result.
If the project was done as a team, every member of a team should talk. Arrangements should be made in advance as to which parts of the presentation will be given by each team member.
Laptops can be brought to class with presentation materials already pre-loaded, and used with the in-class projector. Or materials can be brought in on on a USB drive for installation on the podium computer. In any case, thoroughly test your prototype and presentation materials in advance to make sure they work properly. Embarrassing things can happen when you don’t rehearse!
Total presentation time is approximately 4 minutes max! Please plan your presentations accordingly. Most important is to practice, many times, to be sure you have the content, timing and transitions down.
Tip! Check out the grading guide for some criteria used to assess your presentation.
All accomplishments are shown through the documents (proposal and report). You will not submit scripts or data or any other aspects of your data analytics - just the proposal and report documents.
Proposal - 20%
Proposal document with details as described in this writeup.
Report - 70%
Final document, complete with writeup and analysis. Your report should
be a full writeup, including revised grading guide.
Presentation - 10%
Professional presentation of one result. Include brief overview of game
and data, with focus on one chart - described and message provided.
100-90. The submission clearly exceeds requirements. All parts of the project have been thoroughly completed. The proposal and report are clearly organized and well-written, charts and tables are accurate and concisely labeled and described and messages provided about each part of the analysis.
89-80. The submission meets requirements. All parts of the project have been completed or nearly completed. The proposal and report are organized and well-written, charts and tables are clearly labeled and described and messages provided about each part of the analysis.
79-70. The submission barely meets requirements. Most parts of the project are completed or nearly completed, but some may be missing. The proposal and report are somewhat disorganized or not well-written. Charts and tables are labeled, but there may be issues with the description and messages provided about each part of the analysis.
69-60. The project fails to meet requirements in some places. Not all parts of the project are completed. The proposal and report are disorganized and not well-written. Charts and tables are not clear nor up to standards described in class. Messages are not always provided for the analysis.
59-0. The project does not meet requirements. Many parts of the project are not completed. The proposal and report are disorganized and poorly written. Charts and tables are not clear nor up to standards described in class. Messages are generally not provided for the analysis.
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