Standard Error

(8 minutes)



For each question:

  1. Explore the answer yourself
  2. Discuss your answer with your partner(s)
  3. Write down your joint answer(s)

You will provide your answers in the survey link below.

Probability Distributions

Consider the below pictures. On the x-axis is the experiment number and the y-axis is the value. The blue lines depict the population mean. Each x is a sample value.

The first shows 10 experiments each N=3, with the experimental mean shown with a red dot.

The second shows 100 experiments with the bars depicting a computation of the standard error for that experiment.

  1. How many of the standard error bars should intersect the blue line?

  2. What would the graphs look like if N = 100?

  3. If N = 100, how many of the standard error bars should intersect the blue line?


Have ONE person from each group submit the group's answers:

Make sure to include the names of all group members.

Happy standard error-ing!

-- Mark