Ans: A reference is a picture of a real-world object that can be used as an example to make a digital representation of the object. The reference can help with proportions, colors and textures. For example, modeling and rendering sofa would be much easier with a picture of a real couch as a reference in order to get the arms proportioned right and the fabric right.
Ans: Broad strokes refers to doing the most visually outstanding parts of a work first and then filling in the details later. For example, broad strokes of an (outdoor) house would first put in a basic cube house with cylindrical trees to get proportions right. Then, simple textures or colors (green for the trees, brown for the ground) would be added to get a "feel" for the scene before adding further details.
Ans: NURBS uses curved surfaces based on a few points, while polygonal modeling uses points for vertices with edges between them. Polygonal surfaces are straight-forward and easy to render but are manually intensive to create. NURBS are resolution independent but have seems difficult to overcome. (There are more details that can be provided here.)
Ans: A face is the flat size of a polygon. A normal is a vector at a right angle to the face. Backface culling is the process of removing polygons that are not rendered on a screen.
Ans: Use backface culling to remove faces that cannot be seen (ex - remove the bottom polygon on a barrel that can't be moved). Reduce some of the polygons used to make a curved surface (ex - render the barrel sides with 12 polygons instead of 20). Being able to remove polygons that do not affect the image scene quality (much) is important to reduce the size of a game image and make it faster to render.
Ans: Modeling a basic shape as a box (or other primitive polygon) and using extrude and cut and edit to achieve a model of the shape desired.
Ans: A shader defines the surface property of an object (ie- how shiny, bumpy, how light effects it). A texture is a bitmap that is plugged into shader that defines image we want to appear on object (ie- such as a picture of letters on an otherwise flat sign).
Ans: A grayscale image embedded in the "extra" 8 bits of 32-bit image, and used in graphics rendering for transparency, reflection and bump maps.
Ans: Color can be used to indicate mood. For example, a green wash can indicate peace for the player while a red wash can indicate warning. Lighting can indicate mood, with shadows providing mystery or warning.
Ans: A key light is the main light source, the most intense and the majority. It's put at angle to define 3-D forms. A fill light brings out some details out of shadow and works well at angle. A backlight is placed behind and slightly above or below object to help define shape. It highlights edges, pulls away from background. To make a pool of light, an artist would probably use spot lights with focused beam on single location since they provide great control over the lighting.
Ans: A sound designer brings life-like (and beyond life) sounds to game. They are increasingly a critical member of the game dev process, as audio has more capability and more importance
Ans: Each sample provides a number that needs to be stored, sent over a network and/or played. The higher the rate, the more processing/storage required. This is especially meaningful since a high sampling rate may note be required for adequate fidelity.
Ans: 8000 samples per second with each sample being 8 bits.
Ans: A lot of possibilities here ... removes redundant data and irrelevant data. Compresses in the time domain and in the spatial domain. Filters waveform into sub-bands and prioritizes bits in each band based on importance.
Ans: It might not reflect the current emotional context of the game. Player tunes it out.
Ans: Many possibilities: follow the dramatic arc with the game's sound track, never use music unless it is making a specific emotional statement to the player, get the composer involved early in the process, the more content the better, ...
Ans: The three are: Game code, Game Engine and Tools.
Ans: really, it is no methodology at all. Instead of any kind of design, programmers jump right in and write code. When the code is ran (no formal testing) if there are bugs, they are fixed. The process repeats in the hope a working game comes out.
Ans: A database containing files and past history of them. It provides a central location for all code and allows the programming team to work on related files without overwriting each other's work. the database preserves the history to help track down errors and provides branching and merging for platform specific parts.
Ans: Many choices here. C++ typically provides opportunities for better performance. Java takes care of memory management that can cause hard-to-find bugs for C++ programs.
Ans: Reproduce the problem consistently, Pinpoint the error, Repair the problem and Test solution
Ans: To lose in a challenging way. The goal is for the player to win, but only by using skill and strategy, not because the AI is noticeably "dumb".
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