The below questions are designed to provide practice for the mid-term exam. They are not necessarily complete, as carefully vetted as the exam questions may be, nor carefully timed. Still, they should provide the "flavor" for the exam questions. Use them as an aid in studying, in addition to reading, memorizing, self-quizzing, preparing a one-pager, etc.
Describe some of the main financial aspects and considerations of a typical publisher-developer relationship.
What is level design? Roughly, where does it occur in the game development process?
In what ways, in terms of team size and makeup, have game development teams changed over the past 20 years? Why?
Briefly describe why a toy is not a game. How can you make a toy into a game?
Name at least two aspects you lose when making a board game into a computer game. Name at least two aspects you gain when making a board game into a computer game.
What are in-between frames in animation?
What is a reference as it relates to visual design and production for games?