IMGD 1001 Practice Mid-Term Exam Solution

  1. Describe some of the main financial aspects and considerations of a typical publisher-developer relationship.

    The developer is responsible for creating the game.  To do so, the
    developer needs money to support the programmers, artists, designers
    and overall studio infrastructure.  The publisher provides financial
    support for the developer.  As such, the publisher generally assumes
    all the financial risk and, in return, reaps most of the rewards if
    the game is a hit.  Since developers craves capital to build games,
    developers are often beholden to the publisher.  However, since hits
    are what publishers really seek, a "star" developer can sometimes have
    a lot of influence over a publisher.
  2. What is level design? Roughly, where does it occur in the game development process?

    Ans: Level design is the process of creating levels for a game,
    using the implemented development tools and gameplay rules, with the
    intent of providing interesting gameplay.  Level design occurs in the
    latter stages of game development when most of the game coding and
    content has been created.  
  3. In what ways, in terms of team size and makeup, have game development teams changed over the past 20 years? Why?

    Ans: In general, game development teams have grown and
    increasingly include artists, designers and even producers in addition
    to programmers.  This change has been fueled by the increase in
    computer capabilities that have allowed for increasing support for
    graphics and music, and also by the market demand for high-impact,
    hit-driven games.
  4. Briefly describe why a toy is not a game. How can you make a toy into a game?

    Ans: A toy is not a game because it does not provide
    any built-in goals.  A toy can become part of a game if goals
    are provided by the player.
  5. Name at least two aspects you lose when making a board game into a computer game. Name at least two aspects you gain when making a board game into a computer game.

    Ans: Lose many physical aspects of the board game, such as
    pieces, dice and cards.  Lose natural social interactions that take
    place during board game play.  Gain AI that can handle many simple and
    sophisticated game bookwork tasks.  Gain multimedia, including
    graphics and sound, that can enhance immersiveness.
  6. What are key frames in animation?

    Ans: Key frames are the images of a moving object at the extremes of
    movement.  For example, for a duck flying, this could be when the
    wings are down and up.
  7. What is a reference as it relates to visual design and production for games?

    Ans: A reference is a picture of a real-world object that can be used
    as an example to make a digital representation of the object.  The
    reference can help with proportions, colors and textures.  For
    example, modeling and rendering sofa would be much easier with a
    picture of a real couch as a reference in order to get the arms
    proportioned right and the fabric right.

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