CS2005. Data Structures and Programming Techniques

The Sorting Algorithm Demo (Java)

Click on each applet to see an animation of the sorting algorithm. Each algorithm sorts 50 numbers. Each variable assignment and comparison is counted. After each comparison the applet waits for 10 ms, after each assignment, for 20ms.

After all numbers are sorted, you may want to click on each applet again to see how the algorithm sorts sorted arrays. By clicking the RELOAD-button you can start over.

Bubble SortSelection SortInsertion SortQuicksortMergesortHeapsortSmart (Probabilistic) Quicksort
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The Sources

The applet.
The "generic" sorting algorithm.
The Bubble Sort algorithm.
The Selection Sort algorithm.
The Insertion Sort algorithm.
The Quick Sort algorithm.
The Mergesort algorithm.
The Heapsort algorithm. The Probabilistic Quicksort algorithm.

This page is an extension of the "SortDemo" on Sun's Java Pages.