Virtual Environment Links

* i-glasses Homepage.
* Ascension Technologies (Flock-of-Birds).
* Polhemus.
* InterSense (Trackers).
* SensAble Technologies (PHANToM).
* Haptics Community Web Page.
* Immersion Corp.
* HIT Lab List of Virtual Reality Sites.
* 3D Object Repository (UK VR-SIG).
* 3D Object Repository (3D Site).
* Star Trek RIB Models.

Location-Based Entertainment:
* Virtuality Site.
* Straylight VR Systems.
* Atlantis VR Entertainment Centers.

* Survey of Available Rendering Software.
* Cybernaut.
* Rutgers CAIP VR Lab.
* VR in Medicine and Biology Group.

* Prof. Iwata's Lab for VR Force Feedback.
* FTP Site for Graphics File Converters.
* CyberEdge Journal.
* VR Lab at Northeastern Univ.
* Asian Technology Information Program (ATIP) Reports.
* Pickover's Picks.
* Worlds Inc. 3D Chat.
* Computer Graphics Systems Dev. Corp.

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Last Change: July 11, 2001 / gogo at