Interactive Media & Game Development
Worcester Polytechnic Institute


IMGD 5100: Immersive Human-Computer Interaction
Final Project: Immersive Interaction!
Due: Monday, December 15, 2014 at 6pm


In this project, you will implement an application using an immersive interaciton technique. The project will hopefully build on what you did in Project 1, though it does not have to.

Project Details: The project objectives are for you to:
  1. familiarize yourself with an immersive interacton technique,
  2. build an implementation of that technique,
  3. test the technique on your fellow class mates!
You have considerable freedom in what you develop for this application, though you are strongly enouraged to build something that meets the requirements of the IEEE 3DUI 2015 Contest.

Every project must fullfill the following requirements:

  1. The task/technique you choose must require the use of a non-standard device, such as those in the HIVE. Please see me if you'd like to borrow a device (or two, three, ...),
  2. The primary method of input should be through the use of this device,

Videos of
Below are YouTube videos of previous submissions for his project:

What to Submit: All documents are to be submitted electronically via turnin by 6:00 pm on the day the assignment is due. Also, you will demonstrate your projects in class as well, so come prepared!

The following items should be submitted for this project:

  1. The code for the final application
  2. A brief description of your project. How do I run it? What do I do?
  3. A brief listing of what each teammember contributed to the project.
  4. URL(s) to one or more YouTube videos showing your application in action.
Name each file something that makes sense.

When you are ready to submit, zip up all your files into a single archive file.
Name the file, with the Lastnames being those of the teammembers.

Place your zip file some place (e.g., Dropbox) and email me the link.

Remember the policy on Academic Honesty: You may discuss the project with others, but you are to do your own work. The official WPI statement for Academic Honesty can be accessed HERE.

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