Interactive Media & Game Development
Worcester Polytechnic Institute


IMGD-3000: Technical Game Development I
Project 2
Due: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 11:59pm


In this project, you will start building the basic actions for the game "Jäger: The Hunt for Crazy Gert's Gold!".

You will implement the keyboard keys to allow Hedi to eat mushrooms, throw jellybeans, drop jellybeans, eat a jellybean off of the floor, and pick up coin.

There are two parts to this project: a "Preparation" part, and a "New Stuff" part.

Preparation: The aim of this preparation part is for you to get your feet wet in the Jaeger development framework, as well as with C4.
You will download the Jaeger codebase, compile it on your system, and then execute it to see how it works.

Download the ZIP file from the "File Releases" tab of appropriate project on the WPI SourceForge Web site for this course. Copy it to the directory where you will be doing your work, and unzip it. There will be a whole source tree, with accompanying project files for building using Visual Studio and Xcode.

Once you have built your code, run it, and press the tilde/grave key to bring up the command console. Then type "default" to launch Jaeger with a simple labyrinth. Hit tilde/grave again to dismiss the command console, and then hit the ESC key to allow movement.

Use the WASD keys to move around the default labyrinth, and the mouse to look around.

New Stuff:
  1. You should flesh out the Jaeger files, and (possibly) add some more, based on the in-class exercises.
  2. You will implement the eating of mushrooms.
  3. You will implement the throwing of either a red, green, or blue jellybean.
  4. You will implement the dropping of either a red, green, or blue jellybean.
  5. You will implement the eating of a previously dropped jellybean (YUCK!).
  6. You will implement the picking up of coin.

the Problem:
We have created a few tutorials to help with this assignment. Please take a look at the "Wiki" tab on the WPI SourceForge project for this course. These take you through the steps to implement very similar functionality.

Next, read through the C4 Forums on the things that you are stuck on. They know you are coming, so please post to the "Beginners" forum with your questions! Of course, read through older posts before submitting.

Documentation: You must create adequate documentation, both internal and external, along with your project. The best way to produce internal documentation is by including inline comments. The preferred way to do this is to write the comments as you code. Get in the habit of writing comments as you type in your code. A good rule of thumb is that all code that does something non-trivial should have comments describing what you are doing. This is as much for others who might have to maintain your code, as for you (imagine you have to go back and maintain code you have not looked at for six months -- this WILL happen to you in the future!).

I use these file and function (method) headers, in my code. Please adopt these (or the official CS ones) for all your projects. The file header should be used for both ".h" and ".cpp" (or ".c") files.

Create external documentation for your program and submit it along with the project. The documentation does not have to be unnecessarily long, but should explain briefly what each part of your program does, and how your filenames tie in. Most importantly, tell the TA/SA how to compile your program.

What to
Turn in:
All documents are to be submitted electronically via turnin by 11:59 pm on the day the assignment is due.

Make sure to include a README file as well, with a short description of what you did.

When you are ready to submit, zip everything up into a single archive file.
Name the file

You will use the new Web-based "Turnin" facility to submit your work. Information about submitting can be found here:

Your WPI user ID should be used to login, and you should have been emailed a password.
The Turnin assignment ID is proj2.

Remember the policy on Academic Honesty: You may discuss the project with others, but you are to do your own work. The official WPI statement for Academic Honesty can be accessed HERE.

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