Bam! Presentation day is here! And team NEDM has made tons of progress and improvements on the game. Missiles! Amazing interface! Cooldown timers! Epic Level design! And more too. And lasers. Look forward to a beta release in the links section of the page soon. As well as more screenshots and other stuff. Stay tuned!
-Feb.27 2007

WOW! Holy production Batman. We finally got all of our old stuff implemented on the 132 build of C4 and we should be rockin' and rollin' until launch day. THe lasers are almost 100% implemented, with a minor bug being that we can't figure out how to remove them yet (but we'll get it). Other than that they work perfectly. The character movement and orientation has been a big pain, but thats almost done too. We have the kittens you can save, and work has begun on one of the two levels. We have the character countdown in the game, and that too is working rather smoothly sans a small but annoying bug we're tracking down. Most of the character models are done (except for the enemies) but other than that, we're doing very good production wise at the moment. I'd say that last week we were 30% done with coding (and we had spent a ton of time coding), but over the past two days we've hit a serious stride in our programming and gotten a lot done. Now we only have to get a few features implemented before the game is playable, and hopefully we'll be all set by gamefest. Thanks for standing by!
Co-Founder of Team NEDM - Paul Gibler
-Feb. 20th 2007

Hi again. For the good news, team NEDM has completed work in converting the in game music to its proper format, and getting it working. Also, the design of the first level is nearing completion, with the exception of adding the save-able cat NPC objects. As for bad news, we have come to the decision a couple of days ago that we need to sart from scratch (using skeleton) instead of building off of the C4 demo game structure. This has proven very painful, both figuratively and literally, considering our lack of experience with the C4 engine, and we have hit some roadblocks in implementing core game concepts such as collision detection. Stay tuned for updates..
-Feb. 16th 2007

Hello everyone, our first demo has been uploaded to the site. This demo shows some of the features we want in the game that we have learned how to implement. This is only the first demo, so expect lots of bugs to be worked out in the next version, possibly some original maps, and definately more features. Check out the Links page for a link to download the first demo.
-Feb. 13th 2007

Still working on the game. Currently, we've achieved hover-ability, 3rd person view, and have loaded the main character's 3D model into the game. At the moment, we are working on implementing the cat rescued counter, as well as fire breath. As far as problems go, they are many and hard to understand. C4 is proving to be a hard engine to work with because of it's lack of documentation. However, team NEDM is getting the hang of how C4 works, and plans to have working weapons and interface elements soon.
-Feb. 12th 2007

Hey Everybody! Today we have launched our website! Currently, we are working on understanding and coding in the C4 engine, as to implement the basic game structure. Check out the other sections of the website, and expect lots of updates!
-Feb. 8th 2007